Nix, I know ive taken the pee out of your degree choice and subsequent problems with finding a job but in my honest opinion you dont sound like you want a job, you seem to feed off peope who enjoy theirs and then think thats for you.
I know doctors/nurses and know that they wouldnt be suited doing anything else (well the good ones) as they are just so suited to the job. You come across (on here) as somones who is well educated but wants someone to pay them for nothing.
Sorry if thats wrong but thats how I see you.
No, I don't want to be paid for doing nothing. I spent a year unemployed doing nothing remember. It. Was. Hell.
You are obviously just a very different person and as such find it difficult to understand where I'm coming from.
Look, it's very simple: I'm not blessed with knowing what I want to do. I'm getting older. I know I've got a brain on my shoulders and I know I'm a good person. I naively hoped growing up that I'd inevitably fall into whatever it was I was 'supposed' to do with myself, but it was just that: naivity. I'm now desperately trying to work out what to do. I do feed off others because the reality is, I am really, very deeply unhappy with who and where I am at the moment. I don't even think you have ever stopped to consider this everytime you've thrown flak my way. I'm happy, truly, that things have worked out for you, but just because I haven't been blessed with your fortunes doesn't mean I'm lazy or not trying. I'm simply a very principled person, and finding a job that doesn't conflict with at least my major principles is very important. It is why, for example I opted out of joining the army.
We spend the majority of our adult lives at work. It is beyond important that we end up somewhere that either represents what we want to achieve in life, or helps facilitate happiness - and this doesn't mean just on a fiscal level - lest we look back on life and have regret.
I am desperate to do something with myself, but answering the telephone for a bank, taking bets, or even soldiering is simply not for me. It doesn't represent who I am or how I want to change the world towards my ideals, however small.
Just because you don't understand my conclusions, or motivations, don't automatically assume I'm worthless, lazy, or stupid. I find that highly offensive because I want nothing more than to achieve something tangible in life.
To sum up using a Guinness advert (of all things!): It is not what life brings to you, but what you bring to life.
I have a moral responsbility to shape the world towards my idea of a better place, no matter how inconsequential. Being lazy would be falling into an arbitary career, coasting 'comfortably' through life and never considering such imperetives.
My brain is wired differently to yours, we see things differently. There's nothing more to say. I appreciate the friendlier tone this time KaHn, but I'd appreciate it also if you stop trying to kick me when I'm down. It's unbecoming.