How do drivers in <Your Town Here> React to Filtering?

Man of Honour
6 Aug 2006
So I saw this video in the YouTube thread,

And it got me wondering,

I learnt to ride in London, where filtering is the norm and becomes natural quite quickly. I am used to a little bit of friction from the odd driver, but nothing more as I generally ride quite timidly and rarely push my luck with gaps etc.

Since I moved back to Reading however, I have noticed a lot less tolerance for filtering. While there are a large majority of people who leave a gap, or move over I have also been dangerously blocked, verbally abused, chased and hassled once, and even had one gentleman get out and try to push me off the bike for "Breaking the law on queue jumping" .

I am now wondering if this is a reigonal thing, is it just due to the sudden explosion of summer bikers, does it get worse as you move away from London?

Curious to see other peoples thoughts on the places they commonly ride ?
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Round here (South coast Worthing/Brighton area, and inland a bit into Sussex) people react well to filtering, some people drift out into the lane and make it inconvenient, but that is mostly down to poor driving and observation rather than a deliberate attempt to cut people off I imagine.

In queue's of traffic I see a fair few people move over to let bikers through, a few don't move over for bikers when they could easily do so, but they don't have to, and I very very rarely see someone move over in an attempt to block a filtering biker, and when it does happen it isn't aggressive, and the person just drifts towards the lines and closes the gap.

But then I'm a driver/occasional pillion passenger, not a rider, so I don't see the full array of reactions.
My experiences in Birmingham have been mixed. People rarely if ever leave gaps, so it takes a bit of confidence to "push" your way in when needed. When I see youtube videos of London riders, I'm always amazed at the gaps between cars, here, people drive bumper to bumper, and rarely let anyone (car or bike) in.

I do get people move over when filtering, but I've had nearly as many try and block me. If lights go red on approach, I'll always get to the front somehow. If they've been red for a while, i'll hold back a lot of the time as being stuck in between cars with no obvious gap, can cause conflict.

Even when I filter to the front, I've had people get angry and try and race me. Not just boy racer types either, lots of middle aged and older men in mercs or BMWs. I can leave them in my mirrors, so it's not an issue ;).
There's little malice towards filtering round here but there is some terrible driving and observations so people do have a habit of drifting around or crapping themselves when they finally notice you filtering.
Southampton is really quite good tbh. Never had anyone get verbal with me, can't remember anyone blocking me. They are however blind as bats. Dont expect them to look for you on roundabouts or anywhere near blind spots.

Basically make lots of noise so they can hear you if they don't see you
From Manchester and to be honest, no problems really. A few people move over, the odd one or two try (half-heartedly) to block but nothing major.

Agree. I found early on that if you do the same commute every day you often see the same people so agressive filtering is a bad idea. I filter, constantly (talking even 1 car at some lights), but I'm polite about it and rarely get any problems. You get the odd **** who creeps to try and block you but a good glare normally does the trick.

You stand out a lot more on a bike as there are so few of us and the combo of the colour of bike, gear and helmet makes people remember you. If you **** someone off they'll remember for sure. And because you're filtering you're more likely to see people regularly whilst they're stuck in traffic.

TLDR: Don't be a **** about it and they won't either.

The bird in the video just came across a **** unfortunately. I'd have gone right to the front personally even if it means slightly going over the line.
I live in a village just outside of Southam which is in Warwickshire. They have little to no clue about bikers filtering and generally don't like it in town. Motorways are a bit better.

One of the reasons I got knocked off was because bikes are rare round here through winter and someone did a u-turn as I was filtering.

They're almost afraid, but probably more surprised that a biker is filtering.
White van drivers and teenage corsa/fiesta drivers are the worst...

In London its BMW/Audi drivers with their big ego who block you, but since most roads I usually have to filter are 3 lanes I back out go round them, give them the finger and off I go! haha :p
Southampton is really quite good tbh. Never had anyone get verbal with me, can't remember anyone blocking me. They are however blind as bats. Dont expect them to look for you on roundabouts or anywhere near blind spots.

Basically make lots of noise so they can hear you if they don't see you

Yeah they are not bad around here, I'm around Southampton/Eastleigh/Winchester daily and most move over if they spot you, just avoid the avenue though, its far too tight to filter 90% of the time and nearly nobody moves over for you there :p
They seem alright around bham and surrounding areas,never got into any confrontations though,they either crap themselves and violently swerve over or sit there blocking your progress even though there's room for them to pull forward and to the side to let you pass
Quite good around here, only had one problem with an older woman who didn't like I had filtered past 10 or so cars to the front and said I should wait like everyone else, almost slapped the bitch.
Round here, as ACME said, it's pretty good. I'm probably hated by all motorcyclists though as I naturally, no clue why, sit on the right hand side of the lane, making it a pain for you guys to filter, sorry!

I don't mind it as I know if I was on a bike I'd do it, unless there is some chav on a crappy Chinese 125 right up my arse (happens a lot in Crawley) then I'll be a pain and make it so he can't pass me because I'm petty like that.
Its legal and recommended, we filtered on the way to the test centre. The instructor said we're both capable judging by our previous riding, so we filtered through. Screw that waiting like everyone else... one biker was waiting, but when he saw us he followed. :p
Round here (South coast Worthing/Brighton area, and inland a bit into Sussex) people react well to filtering, some people drift out into the lane and make it inconvenient, but that is mostly down to poor driving and observation rather than a deliberate attempt to cut people off I imagine.

In queue's of traffic I see a fair few people move over to let bikers through, a few don't move over for bikers when they could easily do so, but they don't have to, and I very very rarely see someone move over in an attempt to block a filtering biker, and when it does happen it isn't aggressive, and the person just drifts towards the lines and closes the gap.

But then I'm a driver/occasional pillion passenger, not a rider, so I don't see the full array of reactions.
That pretty much sums it up here in Kent, and I do A LOT of filtering to work and back. You get the usual oblivious and looking at their phone lot, but it's been a long time since someone intentionally blocked me. I must filter past hundreds of cars a day.
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Its legal and recommended, we filtered on the way to the test centre. The instructor said we're both capable judging by our previous riding, so we filtered through. Screw that waiting like everyone else... one biker was waiting, but when he saw us he followed. :p

Yer we filtered a bit on lessons, I wouldn't do it on your mod2. No point and not worth the risk!
Yeah, the more traffic the better on your MOD2! Best thing is if you get stuck at a railway crossing, just let the time tick away :D

If you get stuck for too long they'll cancel the test as they won't have had long enough to see you actually riding meaning you'll have to go back and do it again, in this case filter if you fail oh well you were doing it again anyway if you pass then job done.

Okay, some are really good and get out of the the way, to which i have to thank them for. But some just don't care or not looking and on very rare occasions i've had someone drift into my way to block me. I just wait and pass eventually.
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