The problem with much of the biking community is that they only see things in very simple terms.
So when you say to them "could you ever see yourself riding an electric bike?" all they hear is "this will be the one and only bike you will ever own until you die" which elicits the kind of responses that we see all over social media, which generally amount to little more than "EhRmAhGeHrD You'll never get me on one of them things!!!11" when in reality anyone with half a brain knows that you're not going to be doing the NC500 on a bike with 100 miles range any time soon, but as a bike for short little jaunts, commuting, shop trips, etc, they're absolutely spot on and are only improving. At this point they are perfect second-bike material however they're far too expensive for this - but again, as the tech matures, the bikes will get better and the costs will get lower.
All this whinging and whining from the "loud pipes saves lives" crowd is tedious. Yes, we know it won't howl like an inline 4. Yes, we know that they won't smell or exhilarate like a screaming stroker. Yes, we know the infrastructure isn't there yet. Yes, we know they're expensive.
But for those who can afford them and want to enjoy them, crack on I say. These are the very people we need to spend the money on these bikes to advance their development so when ICE bikes are inevitably outlawed, these machines are in a much better place to take over.
Or just keep laughing at them and ridiculing them on Facebook because "it'll never beat my GPX 750" and then wonder why you've got nothing affordable to ride when ICE bikes are banned and you're sitting at home on the sofa making brm brm noises because it's the closest you can get to affording an electric bike.
Yes, I'm annoyed at the idiots all over the biking groups. No idea what gave it away.
So when you say to them "could you ever see yourself riding an electric bike?" all they hear is "this will be the one and only bike you will ever own until you die" which elicits the kind of responses that we see all over social media, which generally amount to little more than "EhRmAhGeHrD You'll never get me on one of them things!!!11" when in reality anyone with half a brain knows that you're not going to be doing the NC500 on a bike with 100 miles range any time soon, but as a bike for short little jaunts, commuting, shop trips, etc, they're absolutely spot on and are only improving. At this point they are perfect second-bike material however they're far too expensive for this - but again, as the tech matures, the bikes will get better and the costs will get lower.
All this whinging and whining from the "loud pipes saves lives" crowd is tedious. Yes, we know it won't howl like an inline 4. Yes, we know that they won't smell or exhilarate like a screaming stroker. Yes, we know the infrastructure isn't there yet. Yes, we know they're expensive.
But for those who can afford them and want to enjoy them, crack on I say. These are the very people we need to spend the money on these bikes to advance their development so when ICE bikes are inevitably outlawed, these machines are in a much better place to take over.
Or just keep laughing at them and ridiculing them on Facebook because "it'll never beat my GPX 750" and then wonder why you've got nothing affordable to ride when ICE bikes are banned and you're sitting at home on the sofa making brm brm noises because it's the closest you can get to affording an electric bike.
Yes, I'm annoyed at the idiots all over the biking groups. No idea what gave it away.