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Poll: How do you game? Upscaling or native? (updated poll choices - 24/12, revote!)

How do you game?

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15 Oct 2018
Is it FSR to blame for the often soft as heck image in Alan Wake 2 even at supposedly 100% native resolution?

Must admit it becomes tempting to scale below 100% res for extra smoothness as the original image looks bad enough to start with that you don't notice any change. I think I heard the game has FSR on as it's AA method or something even at 100% res?

Then there's games like A Plague Tale: Requiem, which last I played had only its own in-engine resolution scaler (supposedly not FSR or DLSS). The game looked mint in native, and any drop in image scaling was unnoticeable after about 85%-90%, which is still good going.

Apologies if all the above is misinformation, just my casual observations about some non-RT scenarios where upscaling becomes viable / tempting when usually it wouldn't be.
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4 Jun 2009
Is it FSR to blame for the often soft as heck image in Alan Wake 2 even at supposedly 100% native resolution?

Must admit it becomes tempting to scale below 100% res for extra smoothness as the original image looks bad enough to start with that you don't notice any change. I think I heard the game has FSR on as it's AA method or something even at 100% res?

Then there's games like A Plague Tale: Requiem, which last I played had only its own in-engine resolution scaler (supposedly not FSR or DLSS). The game looked mint in native, and any drop in image scaling was unnoticeable after about 85%-90%, which is still good going.

Apologies if all the above is misinformation, just my casual observations about some non-RT scenarios where upscaling becomes viable / tempting when usually it wouldn't be.

Possibly FSR. What res and preset were you using?

FSR 2 and DLSS replace the native TAA implementation but it's roughly a simiilar concept.

Worth watching this:

FSR 2 may have been improved with an update iirc as it was originally very poor at release iirc but some sites had different takes:

17 Aug 2009
It would then have aligned with my direct observations in actual games so I'd have mostly agreed yes. Why would I say something to the contrary to my direct evidence and experience of the technology right from it's infancy?

I have seen and shown the evidence countless times and professional outlets are saying the same thing as well as demonstrating it to their millions of subscribers. Why would we not stick to our views when the evidence shows we are right.

We already know online polls are no different to just opinions as many vote based purely on their liking or hate for something regardless of whether they've actually used it in broad scope or not, regardless of what the actual poll question is specifically. It's typically people going "upscaling bad native good".

I'm sticking with my view as it's based on actual evidence and direct experience. Nothing will change that.

You're heading off into farce now, questioning why you would would post... what you just posted? And I challenged?

You, in my opinion, failed to read the poll and ended up posting that it was proof that the ~15000 respondents obviously don't understand. No, you didn't read the poll.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
No I already responded to the poll ages ago, my recent posts are based on the current conversation, not the poll. You are clutching at straws here.

And unless you can post some actual evidence that the poll results in TPU link or otherwise are accurate or aligned with actual reality then it's all meaningless as the rest of us do have said evidence.
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15 Oct 2019
If that were the case, amd would be charging more for their GPU.
They only charge based on what Nvidia do but the point I’m making was that RT + DLSS technologies are now costing the consumer around £700 extra on a GPU like the 4090 so if you could get a card like the 4090 without those features but with the die space instead being dedicated to faster raster so a further 30% faster than a 4090 for around £900 would you take that card over say the current 4070ti?



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
What would the point be in faster raster in that context though? That would require more VRAM and memory bandwidth too anyway and Nvidia would never put that much VRAM into a 4070 Ti when they can charge more for that in the next model up :p

Also, people are forgetting how much the 3090 series went for RRP vs its actual performance delta against a 3080 series which was in single digit percentages whether raster or DLSS. The 4090 was at a well stood RRP (it's now at silly money though I agree) due to its massive percentage delta gap vs any other 40 series let alone anything 30xx.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Just had a look at the poll and dayum. The amount of people not using DLSS is unreal :cry:

Switch on DLDSR and DLSS fellas. At least give it a try over a few games. Don't listen to what people say about this or that. Trust your own eyes. That's what I did ages ago, way before anyone here was talking about DLDSR and now I rarely game without it.
17 Aug 2009
So the answer is there is no evidence, that's good to know.

Demanding evidence for a position you invented is a joke request.

Your explanation of proof was to say that most use 1080P and that it wasn't optimal for upscaling. Which is at best, not supportive when you're quoting a poll saying most users will choose to play without upscaling when given all the options.
4 Jun 2009
They only charge based on what Nvidia do but the point I’m making was that RT + DLSS technologies are now costing the consumer around £700 extra on a GPU like the 4090 so if you could get a card like the 4090 without those features but with the die space instead being dedicated to faster raster so a further 30% faster than a 4090 for around £900 would you take that card over say the current 4070ti?

That is true, amd will follow nvidia as they have always done but they have said it themselves, they are not a budget option and a premium option and the "only" reason they don't charge as much or more than nvidia is because they aren't better (even if it is close in some areas or they lead in 1-3 areas out of several), if amd were comfortably better, they would more than likely be asking for more money. Part of the reason we have these technologies is because MLID is actually somewhat right, we are at a point we're hitting diminishing returns, that and the only way to really get playable path tracing (which is the next step in visuals) is as shown, with more efficient processes, which are not dictated by what is possible with the hardware we have access to now i.e. frame gen and upscaling.

Also, the 4090 isn't a great gpu to use as generally it is comfortably ahead in raster and non hardware RT compared to the 7900xtx, only a couple of games where the 7900xtx comfortably beats the 4090 i.e. COD

And to answer this question:

without those features but with the die space instead being dedicated to faster raster so a further 30% faster than a 4090 for around £900 would you take that card over say the current 4070ti

No as most games I've played over the last 3 years have RT of some form (only game I turned off RT because it is/was broken was for hogwarts) and it's only becoming more prevalent, that and I prefer the IQ/benefits of DLSS (and DLDSR when used) over native and would be nice to have FG for games where there is awful cpu optimisation.

Just had a look at the poll and dayum. The amount of people not using DLSS is unreal :cry:

Switch on DLDSR and DLSS fellas. At least give it a try over a few games. Don't listen to what people say about this or that. Trust your own eyes. That's what I did ages ago, way before anyone here was talking about DLDSR and now I rarely game without it.

I really want to make the poll more granular, would be very fascintating I think but alas, the usual lot wil cry "changing the outcome!!!!" :p :D 2 things that would be most interesting to me is to see if native nvidia owners are rtx or non rtx owners and also, if the native voters are using taa or no taa.

Looks like John may do a video soon on the TAA stuff:

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