How do you get your grocery shopping?

11 Apr 2011
I hate grocery shopping.

So personally I started using online sainsbursy service. It cost 4-6 quid per delivery and I buy enough food for 2 weeks.
Ocado delivery pass. £10 a month for an unlimited* number of deliveries at any time.

* Limit of one delivery per day ;)
Have loads of local supermarkets between work and my flat so usually pop into Tesco, and sometimes Aldi, on the way home on Monday and buy the shopping for the week. I'll stock up on things like milk and veg later in the week if need be.
glaucus, how does that work financially? are the boxes more expensive? i gather the standard and thus flavours of said food is great?
I walk to local shops 3-4 times a week. That would be a mixture of co-op, Iceland (for the 4pints of milk=£1) and fruit and veg Market stalls and local corner shops. I have a 22month old daughter which means we get through 4pints of milk every 2days, and also eat a lot of fresh fruit & veg and that is one of the main drivers behind shopping so often.
I probably do a bigger shop about once a month and go to the nearest large supermarket, which is a waitrose. I have noticed that waitrose has started to get a lot more expensive recently though (might be the single malts I keep buying!)
I do use ocado occasionally, as I do most of my shopping by foot it is helpful to be able to stock up on heavier items e.g cans of tomatoes, juice, oil, washing machine powder etc.
Weekly shop: Sainsburys - fast track scanner - job done

We used to order Tesco online but found they seemed to give poor quality fruit and veg and milk that's going out of date
glaucus, how does that work financially? are the boxes more expensive? i gather the standard and thus flavours of said food is great?

The produce is good. Cost wise I haven't worked it out. I need a smaller meat box though. Far far to much.

Brisket Roasting Joint - Weight: 1kg
Brisket Roasting Joint - Weight: 1kg
Leg Of Mutton Cut - Weight: LMC 1kg
Small Chicken - Size: Small (min 1.4kg)
Rump Steaks - 2
Chicken Breasts - Pack of: 2 Breasts
Coarse Cut *Beef Mince
field&flower Burgers - 4
Coarse Cut Lamb Mince
Diced Lamb
Pork Spare Ribs - 2 racks
Pork Sausages - 6
Chicken Thighs - Pack of: 4 Thighs

Weights are usually 1.2-1.4kilos on the joints so a fair bit over.

Veg box £8 - roughly, changes week to week, this week.
10-15 potatoes
6 carrots
Bag of stir fry (fennel, sprouting broccoli and other stuff)
2 beetroot
2 leeks
Chestnut mushrooms normal supermarket size punnet
2 onions

Then one a month get the gourmet bag, which this week contained £4.50 (I think that's way over priced, where the veg box I think is pretty good value)
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3 or 4 weekly visits to the Tesco supermarket a couple of minutes walk away.
I try to get mainly the reduced stuff, as I am a very poor student!!
Do you tip the delivery driver? They are paid pittance, so if you think that they have done a cracking service (beyond the call of duty); reward them ;).
Where from ? They look good

Meat box
Been happy with them and last months order was messed up (probably my fault) and they quickly sorted it out, no issues at all just helpful. Personally hate the sausages though, but the rest is good.

Veg box you won't get unless in Bristol. But there's loads of schemes all over the country I have a choice of about three farms offering boxes. I'm using
Meat box
Been happy with them and last months order was messed up (probably my fault) and they quickly sorted it out, no issues at all just helpful. Personally hate the sausages though, but the rest is good.

Veg box you won't get unless in Bristol. But there's loads of schemes all over the country I have a choice of about three farms offering boxes. I'm using

:) Thanks I'll have a look see. I can't take much more of Asda meat :mad:
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