How do you get your grocery shopping?

I drive to Milton Keynes on the weekend to see my partner, so I usually do the shopping then and drive home on Sunday with the shopping in the boot. Generally do the shopping at Waitrose, although we pop into the market for some veg (although the Waitrose stuff tends to be better quality) and Sainsbury's for things like washing powder, oil etc.
I tend to do several small shops a week - quite convenient as I drive past a Tescos and Sainsbury's going to and from work.
Do you tip the delivery driver? They are paid pittance, so if you think that they have done a cracking service (beyond the call of duty); reward them ;).

no because I think being cahrged between 4.99-6.99 is a joke when I only stay a 5 minute walk from the shop.
Do you tip the delivery driver? They are paid pittance, so if you think that they have done a cracking service (beyond the call of duty); reward them ;).

I don't tip you....

For a start the £3-5 they charge is quite a bit for a delivery - even if they do unfortunately pass very little onto yourself. However, I do try to be as helpful as possible. I happily carry the food from the van to the door, so they literally just have to put it outside their van. One guy the other day, said I was the first person all day that had carried in the shopping for him. Felt remarkably sorry for him, especially as whilst it was quite cold, it wasn't wet. Maybe I should start asking them if they'd prefer a £1 tip, or just for me to carry in the shopping instead....

Tescos home delivery couple of times a month, it's only £6 per delivery and saves me buying things for the sake of it, also means i don't have to waste my time walking around the supermarket.
I usually order from online and get the odd bits and bobs from the local shop if I need them, like a quick stock up. I don't enjoy going to big supermarkets and dodging people that appear to be aimlessly wandering around and oblivious of their surroundings. Not that I go bashing around the store as quick as I can :P, just that I know what I want when I go in there and just want to get what I need and not worry about someone not looking where they are going. :(
I freeze bread, but I also enjoy making bread. Which is cheap.

Reduced to clear sections are a god send most of the time!
Stafford has got the 3 main supermarkets - Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury's. Asda is a bit out of the way for me, so it's either Tesco or Sainsbury's. Once a week at either of those 2 shops, then I'll do online once a month which is useful for bulky stuff. Non driver here. I also live ~1 minute's walk from a Spar, so it's useful if you're out of milk or wanna get a cheap crate of beer.
I plan 5 recipes for the week and then go to Waitrose to get the ingredients. The other days I either get a takeaway or stop in Tesco on my way back from work and grab something quick and easy.

Prob spend about £50pw on shopping. That includes things like toilet roll, bleach, deodarant etc...
Order bulk from Sainsbury's since there's not one local (yet, it's being built...). They have the best range for me. I then buy veg fresh from either Waitrose or the greengrocer (who is actually cheaper), certain meat from the butcher (not so much chicken, get chicken on the order, it freezes well enough), bread from the local bakers and milk+eggs from the corner shop. I suppose that's quite well planned for a student :p
I don't tip you....

For a start the £3-5 they charge is quite a bit for a delivery - even if they do unfortunately pass very little onto yourself. However, I do try to be as helpful as possible. I happily carry the food from the van to the door, so they literally just have to put it outside their van. One guy the other day, said I was the first person all day that had carried in the shopping for him. Felt remarkably sorry for him, especially as whilst it was quite cold, it wasn't wet. Maybe I should start asking them if they'd prefer a £1 tip, or just for me to carry in the shopping instead....


If I recall correctly, I've had three customers that have come to my van and offered a hand with taking it from the van to their house. That's in 5 or 6 months of doing the job. So, thank you for doing that, it's very much appreciated.
What I hate is lugging up heavy shopping up to a top floor of a tenement and then being met by a big burly lad who doesn't even offer to help. Fine, if it's a little old lady I don't mind doing it but common decency states that you should offer to help if you can. We only have to take it to the block door in a tenement, we are under no obligations to take it up to your floor.
Do you buy long life milk and canned fruit? How is shopping every 2wks sufficient?

Cravendale ***.

I have a few cartons of 'Use by 6th december' left in the fridge, its still completely crystal pure and fresher than normal milk is on its first day.

And my Tropicana juice stays fresh for a very long time, who needs fruits.
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