how do you prepare for a big gaming session?

Make sure the Mrs is fed and supplied with ample amounts of various movies/TV show episodes that are on her backlog and a pair of earplugs.

I put my lucky pants on with an extra thick lining around the crotch in case I actually win any races.

Seriously, I'm single and it does make me laugh when men talk about their partners 'allowing them' to do stuff. What male refers to their woman as 'The Boss'?
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I give the Wife some loving 'so she doesn't ask again for 2-3 days and interrupt my gaming session' grab myself a crate of monster and snacks then game away.

Edit, the day before make sure all controllers are charged and that all phone's are switched off / un plugged for the event.
I probably look at my backlog for about 3 hours (inbetween pointless web browsing) deciding what to play...then when I finally decide im too tired to play so go to bed and then wake up and repeat the exact same process tomorrow.
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