how do you prepare for a big gaming session?

I probably look at my backlog for about 3 hours (inbetween pointless web browsing) deciding what to play...then when I finally decide im too tired to play so go to bed and then wake up and repeat the exact same process tomorrow.

This, often enough.

Though currently just sticking to Elite and Dragon Age Inquisition, so not much of a problem right now, thankfully.

But I have no routine. I game when I can/want, but not til late any more. Generally by around 9/10 am tired and settle in front of tele.

Weekends.... may waste hours browsing this forum... but sometimes just get stuck in early and game all the way through til evening (with food and pee breaks)
Been along while since ive had a gaming session which needed some prep work put into it.

Funnily enough it coincides with me getting rid of my desk and chair to save space but i used to order a pizza and fill my cooler box with a random assortment of drinks (Mainly cider for the early part of the session and rockstar to keep me ticking over later on)

I tend to just spend my time browsing forums now and flicking between multiple games that ill never finish.
Different measure of "big gaming session" in 15+ years ago you could be talking hours where as these days its basically anytime you get to do stuff without interruption for an hour :P

Though generally, my vapes always charged (no nasty smoke smells for me) I'll have a warm drink on standby (or juice in summer months) maybe some munchies

I don't mind short intermissions (loo, fresh drink etc) its good to have short/regular breaks which fits in fine with the majority of the games I run at the moment which generally afford you them
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No longer do long gaming session, I get bored by a game in an hour or 2 then watch twitch, do some diy at home, plan how to take over the world...and so on
plan how to take over the world...and so on

I'm doing that at the moment. I got to the stage of global governance, but unfortunately it seems someone got there first.

On topic:
I withdraw within myself for a few days. Do breathing exercises, stretching, finger cracking etc. Then I ask the wife if its o.k. to go on the computer for a while. :D
I'm doing that at the moment. I got to the stage of global governance, but unfortunately it seems someone got there first.

On topic:
I withdraw within myself for a few days. Do breathing exercises, stretching, finger cracking etc. Then I ask the wife if its o.k. to go on the computer for a while. :D

Yeah I got further but know...

Wife says no, you are screwd ? :D
Since gta 5 has just come out and theres a few more AAA games coming within the next few months I'm wondering what everyone's routine is for playing an epic session with a new game (maybe even an old one)

I usually start by tidying up (also includes cleaning all my controllers and my keyboard even though I barley e the keyboard), making a pizza pouring a drink then sit back on the couch and play for hours on end.

One of the other things I do is make sure my pc is up to date (same with the consoles)

So guys and girls do you have a set routine for your sessions or not?

No I have a life :p

Epic gaming sessions for me consist of 5hrs max on a Saturday every now and again. I usually take a few breaks to make tea/coffee and I will break for lunch. Then I also need to do the washing, possibly mow the lawn, tidy up last nights dishes, feed the cats, wash the car, do the housework and get tea on for when the wife gets home.

Living the dream man, living the dream! :)
1. make sure child is asleep
2. make sure wife is happy
3. get a drink
4. toilet
5. put headphones on and ignore everything else
Is this not what everyone does? :confused:
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