how do you prepare for a big gaming session?

Good to know I'm not the only one who likes to don a favourite pair of gaming pants, they have to be super comfy, and I often select the softest and most comfortable t-shirt and possibly jumper/shirt & slippers if its cold too, make sure I have at least a drink to hand.

If I'm gaming at the other half's I check I have clearance to game, and make sure her cat has had a fussing beforehand, the amount of times the cat has attacked (aka. jumped up on me whilst mid-game) is ridiculous.
Cool box full of beers so I don't have to go downstairs. Make sure all my vaping batteries are charges and I have all my juice to hand. Maybe some snacks.
1 - Make sure the wife and kid are away or asleep
2 - Get my Shisha Pipe ( Hookah ) ready
3 - Pint of Iron Bru
4 - Mug of Tea
5 - Onion Rings
6 - Penguin chocs

.....let the games begin

Does anyone optimize their pc before playing a game?

I mean like, closing down unused system processes and stuff like that.

Just wondering if theres anything I could do to extract some more fps from bf4.
I don't generally have the attention span these days for a prolonged gaming session - I can go for say...5 hours on Diablo 3, and that's about it usually, and my prep is pretty boring. Go to the loo, get a drink, situate myself so that I'm comfortable.
You guys get to play long gaming sessions. I'm lucky if I get an hour in before the wife or daughter disturbs me.
I do **** all for a game release/session but if I am expecting new gaming hardware/peripheral I will clean the gaming room, workspace and PC that little bit extra.
Preparation? WT actual F?

I sit in a chair and do what I want... if it happens to lead to a marathon session (rarely these days) so be it. I have never prepared for it, that's just weird!

haha, yeah this, but generally my routine, if you want to call it routine is the same as ShiversDan below

I probably look at my backlog for about 3 hours (inbetween pointless web browsing) deciding what to play...then when I finally decide im too tired to play so go to bed and then wake up and repeat the exact same process tomorrow.

yeah, too much choice, I end up doing nothing!! :D
Wait for the lady friend to go to sleep i.e. stop texting, then game all night.

Does anyone else wait till they are bursting for the loo so as not to interrupt gaming time?
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