How Does One Communicate With A Small Female Chav

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Does anyone remember the classic fight music from star trek where kirk has to fight to the death (was it with spock or a klingon?) - jus take a batleth (scuse spelling) and finish it once and for all.

Be the man you are and remind this poor excuse of a waste of a space that she should be back home learning how to cook for the impending time that she gets together with someone called "Wayne".... Her name aint Waynetta by any chance is it??

Altho to be honest after reading this thread a part of me actually thinks that you are secretly attracted to this individual and enjoy the attention :p
Alty said:
Altho to be honest after reading this thread a part of me actually thinks that you are secretly attracted to this individual and enjoy the attention :p

Yeah, he's totally hankering for herpes.
Gilly said:

You're "No."s are pitiful Gilly. I see your No., and raise you, MANY MORE.

Gilly said:


Kerplunk said:
Oh yeah.

Amazing what a second read does.


Spunj99 said:
Make it a Burberry...ohh the irony!


fieldy said:
BRING IT OOOOOONNNN! is what I'd say


Otacon said:
The cheek


Crazy Fool said:
i can't get over the fact there is a thread on this! - tell her to **** off and walk by, this won't go on for ever, she will soon get board or get preggers!


sagaboy2 said:
What more of my schools year 8's just more smash and bash in the end or even her years 10/11 friends :o little more effort required.


merlin said:
So long as CAP stands for **** and plums, I say give it a whirl.


Nix said:
She probably likes you.


Crazy Fool said:
you could try a roundhouse kick to her head? :confused:


sagaboy2 said:


sagaboy2 said:
Yeh I could do, I was thinking more of a foot onto her chest push her to ground and stand on her, whilst holding off her near by friend with my arm.


Belmit said:
Don't you have to duel now or something?!


Gilly said:


Otacon said:
Dancing at dawn? :dunno:


Crazy Fool said:
just let it pass dude, don't wanna big gang after you, just say **** off and walk on by


Gilly said:
Don't do it Annakin, I have the high ground.


ChroniC said:
throw a cigarette in the road, that will soon solve the problem.


sagaboy2 said:
Are true, I will attempt to do that, but problem is because im on of those "dirty moshers" my words dont tend to sink into chavs thick skulls.


Otacon said:
You underestimate my powah!


Oh, and if she's fit, stop whining and hit it from behind.
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