How long should he be made to pay?

Freefaller said:
Use ooh I don't know... Handcuffs + streetlight + no clothes??
Ah come one now, getting naked and handcuffing a streetlight to your arm and beating the poor fella up is a bit much
Freefaller said:
Use ooh I don't know... Handcuffs + streetlight + no clothes?? I'm sure he's used to the cold so it wouldn't be too cruel ;)


Hmmm, maybe after he's had a few beers in an unfamiliar capital city, when there are plenty of witnesses to see it. Sounds like a plan!
Mic said:
Ah come one now, getting naked and handcuffing a streetlight to your arm and beating the poor fella up is a bit much

Who said anything about beating up?!

I think cuffing him outside his work place or other divisions of it would prove most comical ;)
I call my girlfriend 'Helen' all the time... and her name's Sarah.

It doesn't help that her best friend and her sister are both called Helen - bugger.
Depends on what the person is like anyway, I'm bad enough with names as it is, I've nearly got my best friend's name wrong on more than one occasion and I've known her 4 years. Not that I think names are important anyway, I wouldn't be too bothered by it.
Hmmm let me think, it depends.

If it was an innocent slip of the tongue then a few tormenting posts on here and pampering next time you see each other.

For example I'm always calling people by the wrong names. I've even called David Laddie, my dogs name! :eek:

(as in pass me my drink please Laddie, not at a more romantic setting)

If it was an ex's name then there would be MURRRRDER ;)
deepends, how long its been since they split with there ex. If its not long, then just forgive and move on. After all it does take a while to get out of routines. But if its been ages. then make em suffer and then forgive.
AcidHell2 said:
deepends, how long its been since they split with there ex. If its not long, then just forgive and move on. After all it does take a while to get out of routines. But if its been ages. then make em suffer and then forgive.
forgivness sex is the best.
I accidentally called my gf "Naughty Boy" one night together, lets just say she never lets me forget about it :p

Thankfully ive never called her by any other persons name, but if she did that to me, i guess my heart would stop if we were doing the horizontal monster mash and my "Crow Warrior King" would quickly deflate.

Pebbles said:
Hmmm, maybe after he's had a few beers in an unfamiliar capital city, when there are plenty of witnesses to see it. Sounds like a plan!
Sounds like whoever it is better run and hide. Not that it'll help much. Just make sure he doesn't have the means to escape at his disposal. :)
Berserker said:
Sounds like whoever it is better run and hide. Not that it'll help much. Just make sure he doesn't have the means to escape at his disposal. :)
you can run, but you'll just die tyred
If i was busy at my work and the lady called me another name i would climb off immedietly and evacuate the building.
If she was at mine then i would climb off and evict her immedietly. :)
This has happened to me before - as long as you love each other forget about it tbh. After I split with my misses I had to stop myself saying her name quite a lot - just through the habbit of saying her name like 10 times a day for 3 years had ingrained onto my mind the her name followed and preceded several key phrases.
Pebbles said:
It would be indescreet of me to say. But put it this way, if he didnt live a couple of hundred miles away he'd be singing soprano right now.

I'm roughly a couple of hundred miles away from you... can I help you out? :D
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