How long until Ireland is united?

Some people have careers and friends though so a one off 100k really isn't that big of an incentive

Italy will give you a 4% income tax rate for 10 years if you move to sardinia and buy a house.

That island is paradise too
Sign me up!
I think we'll see it in the next 20-30 years. Brexit has driven home just how little the English actually think of Northern Ireland.

This. I remember the polls of the Conservative membership where the most popular item which was worth giving up to secure Brexit was NI with something like 89% seeing it as a price worth paying.

The Conservative and Union party ceased being a Union party some years ago.
Funding for a new "NHS" type health service (not many in the north wants to pay £50+ just to see a doctor, never mind a perscription or a hostital visit)

On the other hand more and more people in the North are warming to the idea of paying to see a doctor as at least you will get to see one when you need one. You seen the state of NI NHS recently?
There are a lot of people in NI who have no interest in leaving the UK and even those who are for a unified Ireland either side of the border have very different ideas. People often see this as a 2 way thing but in reality it is more like 8 way.
Yep. The media only paint it as a anti or pro UK thing, but it's not that simple.

There is also growing anti-EU sentiment in Ireland. It's small but spreading. Which is how it started in the UK. So maybe things won't go the way some think :P
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Just to clarify, setting fire to cars and a few stones being thrown will seem like picnic once the uvf or someone gets going, then the real ira or the fake ira or someone will retaliate. The Americans will start shipping weapons over, the army will move back in and become a target for both sides.

In the 70s and 80s there were loads of atrocities you really don't want happening.
The Irish lobby is the issue with the US and since it's bipartisan neither party can maneuver around it unless they can attain a sizable majority (lol). Biden being outspoken about it is not nearly as relevant even if it is convenient.
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It's got nothing to do with Biden. :rolleyes:
The only way is a border poll and people voting to unite. It'll happen one day. ;)
It's got nothing to do with Biden. :rolleyes:
The only way is a border poll and people voting to unite. It'll happen one day. ;)
No it won't because even if there is a border poll with a majority support, there is still too much history, William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne is still celebrated everywhere. Personally I do not see partition disappearing even this century.
No it won't because even if there is a border poll with a majority support, there is still too much history, William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne is still celebrated everywhere. Personally I do not see partition disappearing even this century.
There are less and less 'loyalists' left every year. This has been going on for a long time, what's another few decades here or there.
No it won't because even if there is a border poll with a majority support, there is still too much history, William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne is still celebrated everywhere. Personally I do not see partition disappearing even this century.

You expect what remains of the UK to continue to subsidise an area for 80 years after it's chosen to leave constitutionally? Polls already show most people don't care or don't mind if NI leave, not sustainable in my view.
The EU might break up before the UK does and lets face it as with Scotland that's the only reason they would want to leave.
No it won't because even if there is a border poll with a majority support, there is still too much history, William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne is still celebrated everywhere. Personally I do not see partition disappearing even this century.

It's mostly the older generation though and they're slowly dying off. Most people in NI under 30, even if they've grown up in a loyalist household, don't really feel the hatred as much as those who were there for 'the troubles'.
As long as there are two dividing religions in Ireland it will never be a United Ireland tbh.
Over in the USA and in the UK it's Orange man bad, In NI the term takes another meaning.

If you actually google the difference between Catholic and 'Protest'ant it's actually laughable tbh.


Yeah those parades will unite the country i'm sure....
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