Poll: How many fillings do you have? [Poll]

How many fillings do you have?

  • 0

    Votes: 40 31.3%
  • 1-4

    Votes: 53 41.4%
  • 5-9

    Votes: 27 21.1%
  • 10+

    Votes: 8 6.3%
  • I keep mine in a glass next to the bed

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

In my 30s, have a sweet tooth but very very rarely ever drink anything with sugar in it. No sugar in tea/coffee and will only have a regular coke if i'm horrifically hungover :cry:

Brush teeth morning and night, plus the odd random time if i'm going out after work and have a shower before leaving.

Haven't been to the dentist in years and years, but with the hassle of finding one that will take new patients on, and the fact that I never have any pain sensitivity, i'll just leave it until they're beyond repair and get them sorted then!
I'm 60 and when I was a kid, twice a day brushing was definitely not a thing in our house. And buying chewy sweets to suck on the long walk home from school was. I have... <runs out of fingers> an increasingly expensive mouth.
loads of fillings, i went about 15 years without going to a dentist and when i finally did i lost two teeth and had a bunch of fillings done

one of the teeth was a swine to get out, they ended up breaking part of the bone around the teeth i guess because there were bits of bone coming out of my gum for weeks afterwards
I'm 60 and when I was a kid, twice a day brushing was definitely not a thing in our house. And buying chewy sweets to suck on the long walk home from school was. I have... <runs out of fingers> an increasingly expensive mouth.

Floride in the drinking water also made a huge difference according to my dentist. Introduced widespread in 1974 iirc. People born after then tend to have far fewer cavities.
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No wisdom teeth here they never grew, 1 far back molar removed, 9 fillings in total 1 of those fillings holding together the opposite missing molar.
Sugar monster when I was younger.
None. I think some measure of dental health is genetics. I have never been overly anal about dental hygiene and don't have any fillings whereas other people are far more careful and have many.

I think so too. I'm very careful, brush/floss twice a day and have two. Guess age also makes a difference.
I have one, I'm 39.

Always had good teeth, I actually had an accident during lockdown that caused some damage to two of my teeth. I couldn't get to see a dentist at the time and when I finally managed to get an appointment months later I ended up with a filling and a tooth needing pulled, used one of those patch kits you can get prior. Fortunately the one pulled is right at the back of my mouth so it isn't visible, it probably could have been saved if I'd been able to see someone sooner.

I'd never needed any sort of dental work until that happened, just regular check ups and the odd cleaning.
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