How many games you have installed and what are they?

1 Feb 2009
Picture is better than a thousand words


Those are all the games I ever bought...I like having them all installed and ready.All patched to latest versions and modded if necesarry (like Planescape Torment).One of the perks of PC gaming : ).Currently I am playing Torchlight like crazy and Dead Space as well.

Oh and btw, 60 are from steam, 70 from GOG, about twenty from GamersGate, D2D and Impulse, and the rest is retail, either czech eshops or UK ones.
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Cripes... You win.

Infact you dont quite win, you dont have Planscape Torment. :P

Personally i like having two maybe three games installed. One FPS, one RPG and one stratagy god type game.
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I've never seen so many games installed! :)

I've got like about four on my 150gb...Alone in the Dark - not even sure if I like it but hey worth it for a fiver; Baldurs Gate compilation - haven't really played it yet; Resident Evil 5 and Counterstrike Source. I think that's about it.
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I've never seen so many games installed!

Likewise!!! :eek:

I always thought that the more games you have installed on a system, the slower the system gradually gets?. Or is that just a myth?.

I generally only have 1 or two of the newer releases installed on my PC at the one time. Not just for the above reason but because I hardly have time to play 1 game let alone multiple games. :p

If another new release comes along that I want to play I usually wait till I've finished the current game I'm into before installing the new one.

For example just now I have Saints Row 2 installed ( picked it up cheap recently ) and Borderlands.

I want to play CoD : MW2 but I won't install it when it gets released until I've finished Borderlands. Probably again because of the above reason(s) but also I find that if I get excited about a new game and jump the gun and install it then start playing it whilst I'm halfway through a previous game, by the time I finish the new one and go back to the previous one I have either lost interest or forgotten the key bindings and other things about the gameplay and you have to learn things about the game all over again. :)

I'm really bad not completing games, recently uninstalled Mass Effect and I was about half way through it but I really only played it once a month if I was lucky and didn't see the point keeping it there just taking up space, despite it being sat on my 500Gb "Games + apps" Hard drive.
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Likewise!!! :eek:

I always thought that the more games you have installed on a system, the slower the system gradually gets?. Or is that just a myth?

In regards to this if the files are fragmented access times can suffer when loading the games up. Making it harder for the hard drive to find certain files across the hard-drive. Essentially yeah it does slow it down but if it's in it's own partition and defragmented frequently it should be fine. Not that I can say really with that amount of data. :p The principle is the same I suppose.
bushmins - Planescape Torment rocks, I just played it and finished for the first time two weeks ago, in its super modded fixed up 1280*800 glory, one of the best games ever!
- Icewind Dale - it is more actiony than anything, does not draw me as much.If I want action I will play Diablo or Torchlight which does it better anyway : ).

Tr_Insanity - It takes up 806GB, 581 472 files and 27 178 folders. Took a while to measure by explorer : )

Draeger - it is not really a myth - if you install game after game after game after program etc without ever cleaning the system, it really gets slower I think.
Of course, my PC is super quick because I take care of it, never install bull****, clean the registry every once in a while, stop useless services and other junk, etc.
Btw I never defragmented, it would take too much time and PC is quick as it is..

But I thought there were more people that used PC to its full advantage?
Currently I'm playing:

GRID - online fun
Crysis Warhead - offline destruction
Dead Space - on the edge of my seat pants-wetting terror.

That and steam with all the games I have on there. Which is a lot.
Lol @ all the games you have installed
I currently have 2 installed

Company of heroes
Dragon age origins

see you in 3 weeks for you're next list after you have defragged
You win *bows*


Mass Effect
Resident Evil 5
Battle for Middle Earth
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Football Manager.
see you in 3 weeks for you're next list after you have defragged

I am not gonna defrag, ever, no need : ).Both PC itself and games are as quick as they can be already.

Dragon next buy, after Risen..cannot wait! Good year for RPGs, Divinity 2 is also behind corner.
Fort Zombie
Age of Empires 3 Complete Collection
Cities XL
Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 1
WoW (although not currently subscribed)
World of Goo

Bit of a random mix :)
Indeed. It is nice to see such a vast library of games, lovely collection.

Invariably I play a game then sell it if it has little or no interest for me with regard to a second or third play.

I became a collector as soon as I stopped studying and started working..before I pirated most of the games, since parents would not buy anything and I spent all the money I had on other things that cannot be obtained for free, like computer hardware.As soon as I started working I started buying all the games I ever finished.I would guess that a lot of pirates are like that - pirating because they are not earning. Now the only games that I finished but did not buy are Silent Hill 2 and 3 on PC, but those are impossible to get.
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