Just an interest really , a friend i was talking to has his setup like
C:\ Windows
D:\ Page file
E:\ Applications / games
I was wondering how everyone else on rage has theirs setup and how many drives, me im waiting for another hard drive to put the games on seperatly. But has anybody actually noticed any difference with stuff being on seperate drives instead of on the same one?
I know about page files and defrags , but from your point of view
Continued from here
C:\ Windows
D:\ Page file
E:\ Applications / games
I was wondering how everyone else on rage has theirs setup and how many drives, me im waiting for another hard drive to put the games on seperatly. But has anybody actually noticed any difference with stuff being on seperate drives instead of on the same one?
I know about page files and defrags , but from your point of view
Continued from here