How many hours aday do you work and sleep..

Week i go to sleep around 2am get up for school at 7am weekends go to sleep the same but get up at 8am (fuelled by red bull for breakfast) on saturday, and 1-3pm on sunday to catch up XD. Works quite well and it means lots of time to play and eat.
I work 8:30am - 5pm Monday to Friday, however as I get up at 7:30 and don't get in the house till 6 pm I see my working day as 7:30am - 6 pm. Also it takes me 30 minutes or so to actually get to sleep once I get into bed, as my brain needs to switch off, also I can't go a whole night without waking up randomly a few times atleast.

So with that in mind =

Mon - Fri = 7:30am to 6pm work, 12pm - 7:30am sleep.
Saturday + Sunday usually sleep for 8 - 10 hours unless I have an early morning planned.
I try not think about it, usually work 9am-6pm day job weekdays, and 8pm-1.30am tues-sat night with thursday work until 11pm.

People say thats a lot, but not really I sleep 1.30 to 8.30 so thats 7 hours a night, not to bad :)
Work from 830 till 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Usually get in bed around 1030 and read until 11. Takes me some time to get to sleep and I am actually on medication to help this (Amiltriptyline, if anyone cares)
On a good night I'd usually sleep from 1130 until 7am. On a bad night I'll sleep from 1130 till 2ish, wake up, roll about till 3am then back to sleep till 6 then lay there half asleep and half dead until 7am.

So to answer your question:

Work - 8 hours 30 minutes
Sleep - If I'm lucky 7 hours on a weekday

I'm tempted to start reducing my sleep time to 6 hours after reading what some of you live on. I need more me time!
I work 10 hours a day and sleep between 6 and 7 hours during the week.

At the weekend if its a quiet one i'll sleep around 8 hours but no more, if i've been out the night before it's not uncommon for me to go bed at 4 - 5 am and wake up at 7.30.

If I have a bad nights sleep and only get 3 hours, I feel the same throughout the day as I do if i'd have got 7 hours sleep.

The mrs on the other hand, if she gets less than 7 hours sleep, shes the grumpiest person i've ever met!
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