How many tickets you got for tonights Lottery?

Brynn said:

Look, tell you what *if* you win I will retract my comment. If you dont, well, lets just let it stand.

Lets see who the winner will be

i love you, but if he wins i'd buy tickets to watch you eat those words!!
Gooner14 said:
Acording to the bookies (on BBC tv this morning) there is more chance that the Lock Ness Monster will be found on the moon than winning the lottery tonight. Hmmmm

Yep, I heard that and it is the typical tosh that the BBC come out with on a daily basis. How can you calculate odds on something that doesn't exist.......everyone knows there is no such thing as a moon. :o
Got 2 tickets as usual... don't see the point in buying more.

Although if you bought every single combination and were the only jackpot winner, you would make a profit :D if there was more than one winner then you'd lose money though
BUSH said:
none, don't see the point, the odds are so miniscule it seems pointless to be even bother
I was collecting money for our department in a syndicate at work. There's about 50 people in the syndicate altogether. A new girl said "No thanks, I don't gamble. The odds of winning are 76 million-to-one."

I said "fine" and collected money off every one else. Then she came over with her €2 (yes, we pay less to play Euromillions than you English) and said "I'll play it this time, I couldn't stand to see everyone else in the office winning except me." I said "great, we have an even better chance of winning now." She said "You'll probably lose now because I'm playing."

Worse still, the girl who organised the syndicate sent around this email "The approach being taken this week is one of ‘Spreading the luck’. Instead of everyone paying on Friday, and one shop printing off lines of numbers in a row, the new aim is to buy a few lines in different shops between now and Friday."

So much for rational thinking. It's hard to believe I work in an accountants office sometimes.

Worse still, the girl who organised the syndicate sent around this email "The approach being taken this week is one of ‘Spreading the luck’. Instead of everyone paying on Friday, and one shop printing off lines of numbers in a row, the new aim is to buy a few lines in different shops between now and Friday."...[

LOL. It is frightening how stupid some people can be. :p
Brynn said:

Its a tax on the ignorant

Not really. I am actually still running ahead in the lotto stakes. You do have to know your limits like any gambling though and not be stupid.
Sone said:
was going to buy one but minimum you can transfer is £5 online, i only want a £1.50 ticket :(
Go to a store/newsagency maybe?


edit: 3 lucky dip and 4 chosen numbers for me.
Got two just for the sheer hell of it. Random lucky dip things, I dont see the point of actually selecting the numbers yourself.

If I win, I win, whoopie doo, my life is changed forever. If I dont win, well, at least I had a nice afternoon fantisizing about what I would do with bucket loads of cash.
I'm against gambling, but I'm sorely tempted on account of the fact that we're about to be seriously broke.

Must... resist... temptation to throw... money down... toilet.
Le_Petit_Lapin said:
If I win, I win, whoopie doo, my life is changed forever. If I dont win, well, at least I had a nice afternoon fantisizing about what I would do with bucket loads of cash.

pretty much my thoughts :)

got 4 btw another 6 hours or so fantisizing left not that im pesimistic hehe :p
54 lines between the 54 of us in the syndicate at work.

A shade over £2mil each would do me nicely :)
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