How much do you want to be paid?

Pension contributions, health care, life assurance, flexitime, car allowance, holidays, guaranteed bonuses.

At least those are the important ones in the finance sector....
Had a email from a prespective employee asking "What are your package expectations"

Now this is a hard one to answer, I know I need to go high but am currently unaware of the other benefits i.e car/car allowance etc and how this could affect the figure.

Anybody got any clever tips on how to word the reply?

The answer to this is not a number. It is what your expectations of the role should be firstly, and what that commands secondly. Standard recruitment question.
I can't really comment - generally, agencies asking for this are trying to figure out how much of a cut they can take. Agencies are scum.

A proper, real offer from the company you will work for would not ask you this question. They will have a salary range and a figure on the table, and would ask whether you are interested in the role, not the salary.
If you are looking to earn £50k, I'd go for £55k - something along those lines.. I have no idea what kind of money your talking.

If your going for £15k, I'd say £16k :D
I would say something along the lines of 'a salary, with other flexible benefits if available, that comes to £x', with x being the salary you do want plus £5k.

Lot's of you read the OP then? :p
Q) "How much do you want to be paid?"

A) As much as possible or that is attainable.

If you are looking for a rough figure, I'd probably be happy on £50k+ tbh. I'm not a man of extravagent pleasures.
You're forgetting the other half of the equation.

How much do you want to be paid and how much work (h/week) do you wish to work?

You can potentially make 60k/year working 80h/week, but it is vastly different from 30k/year at 40h/week. Factor in taxes and quality of life, and it may suddenly seem not worth it.
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