How much is your water bill?

£21 a month, 1 person in the house. Im unmetered too as they put me on a special tarrif because i cant have a meter installed due to it being as shared supply
In the village my parents and I used to live, water rates were paid to Severn Trent and sewage - Anglian Water.

Wonder how many people have two bills like this.
Single owner occupier, Lancashire/United utilities, £60 or so every six months in arrears. One 7kg washing load per week and a good long shower every morning. In the garden I use captured rain water.
I'm a single (foreveralone.jpg) adult in a 1-bed semi.

Metered at £17/month with Severn Trent Water.

That's with daily showers, dishes twice a day and bucket+mop on hard floors once a week. Edit: washing machine as well, 2 or 3 times a week.

In 2009, I was paying £12.50/month, so £17/month now sounds about right with the same usage.
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3 adults, 1 five year old, £40/month metered and normally are in credit end of each year - not really careful with water usage in any way. often washing 3 cars regularly through the summer, filling paddling pools, water fights etc. Showers/baths a few times a day across 4 of us. Washing machine on the go a lot with a 5 year old too.
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No meter. 2 adults, 2 kids.

Waste - £20.85 a month, Southern Water
Supply - £96.74 a year (£8.06 a month), Portsmouth Water.

Dead cheap compared to most of you. On the downside, I do have to swim in all the **** they pump into the sea/harbours around here :mad:
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I was paying £22 a month for 5 years, and later found my account was in credit, so they reimbursed me back £120 credit and now im paying £18 a month. Single person.

I have showers, usual washing up and stuff, i dont have baths, and last summer i was using the hose outside quite a bit on the garden as i had a new lawn laid when it was laid and it was hot. Gave it a shower for 20mins in the morning and 20 mins in the evening , didnt notice any rise tbh because of the credit in my account.
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It varies, now averaging about £25 a month I think. Don’t use much in the winter, but the hose will be on for hours each day during the summer. Can’t say we’re particularly conservative with water. Long showers, lots of car washes. Affinity water.

In comparison, our place with southern water is comparatively expensive given how little we use. Our cost there is mostly just the standing charge. Probably £10-12 a month max.
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Lone adult in the house.

Last bill covering 5th Aug - 2nd Dec was £46 (I didn't officially move in till the end of Oct).
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No meter here, pretty much 4 adults since the kids are 21 and 25. Pay £24 a month, which bizarely is cheaper than our previous, smaller house.
£13 a month. Just me. Use washing machine 4-5 times a week and shower every day.

If your home doesn't have a water meter, it works out cheaper if you get a meter if there's less than 1.25 people per bedroom. If there are 6 people in a 4 bed home, stay on rates.

My meter is in a cluster of 6 at the corner of the pavement. Still don't know which of the 6 it is. All readings have been done by a Severn Trent meter reader.

Remember taking a final reading on the flat my ex and I shared. The meter was at the bottom of the path and needed to tie a plastic mug on a piece of rope to fish out the water which was resting above the meter. Meter hole was too narrow for putting my arm in. Got odd looks - obviously never read their meter themselves. The water companies make things difficult.

How is your bill so small?

We are a house of 2 and ours is double that only about 3 loads of washing a week

Wonder if we have a leak?
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We’re not on mains drainage which makes a big difference, we’re metered but I think it only gets read once a year. Quarterly bills for two of us are usually in the £20-30 region.
I'm off 'grid' with a shared bore hole and waste treatment plant here - costs us about £300 a year in maintenance so not the cheapest in comparison to some of you lot, but we can use as much as we like, even during a hose pipe ban & the waters super clean (if crazy hard) as we have decent filtration on it.
About £35 a month, but only pay for 8 months a year: £280 ish per annum.

Not metered, family of 4. Will absolutely avoid getting metered as long as I possibly can!

Edit: having checked, it's gone up a bit. Amended above numbers
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1 adult in 2 bedroom flat, no shower, bath only.
No meter installed due to shared supply with business downstairs.

Water - £26.50 a month
Sweage - £33.80 a month
Both fixed rates due to no meter.
worked perfectly when I had an ex who insisted on a bath every night which would consist of a bath fill, let half out top up to hot, sit in it for 90 mins, let half out and refill with hot.
Before I can then get my own, so we've used a lot of water, is it 60 a month in water and sewage is a question I dont have the answer for.
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