How often do you turn off your PC?

1 Sep 2003
I was reading a thread on another computer forum and most kept their PCs on for days/weeks/months at a time? I generally turn mine off when not in use. My thinking is saves on power draw (money), allows updates to be applied and increases the lifespan of the LEDs.

Am I the odd one out? :confused:
My main PC I turn off every night. By that, I mean it's off at the wall socket, so it draws zero power.

I prefer to switch stuff off when not in use. Having said that, there are some things I keep in standby, but the PC is not one of them.
Shut down overnight, and if I was out all day for work it would be shut down then too.

Thinking about it now, I'm not sure how much power it saves, but it's a habit from years of older windows versions needing regular reboots, and kid/student/renting times when the pc was in the bedroom. Maybe security is a decent reason too.
If I am not using it then it's generally off. Never been one to switch it ed off at the wall as it's attached to a UPS and getting to the sockets has historically meant getting past monitors etc.
Only when installing new hardware, so mostly never. I like to maintain a good ratio and it keeps the front room warmer for the puddy cat. They hardly draw any power when idle anyway. Plus, it's my Plex server.
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Never it's on 24/7, the ony time I restart it is when required by windows update. My PC does things when i'm not here, backups, etc.. also it's my media server... so stream lots of stuff from it to TV..
Everytime I’m not using it. I’ve setup a button on my stream deck to shut it down and although I have an LG C3, it now auto shuts off that too. I only manage an hour or two of use at a time these days, so it would be wasteful not to.
Another only when im using it, then off here. I used to leave it on a lot more but when the electricity prices spiked I got a lot better at turning things off.
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Gaming PC - only on during Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. Gets shutdown every day. Updates checked and installed on Friday.

Work laptop - Once a week on a Wednesday morning. Updates are controlled by the IT department, we also manage the restarts by sending alerts to end users and giving them 3 chances to restart. End users can differ the restart 3 times, after which it gets forced restart after updates.
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