How often do you turn off your PC?

In Winter - PC is on all night ( helps me sleep :p )
In Summer - Off at night, as I use a fan!

Only time it's off for hours is if I'm not in
Only on whilst in use In fact I can go days without turning on. These days it’s easier to lie on the bed with my iPad when just surfing.
my PC is turned off overnight, and when Mum wants to watch TV with me,( most evenings)
I don't leave my PC on because I don't want a win push update to reinstall edge win10 on my PC, nor do I want it to realise that my installation is not legit, thus bringing back the activate windows watermark, etc
i shut it down when im not using it a lot these days with nvme drives etc it boots up rapid but in the old days of mechanical drives it would be on most of the time :)
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