How often do you use a pen or pencil to write?

It's funny, I had to write something recently and panicked thinking I might not be able to find a working pen in the flat. This year, so far, maybe I've used one pen, once.

Two years back, working daily in a shop it was probably once or twice a day, but these days there's no need. Everything is done on a phone or PC.
Almost daily, I still use post it notes for everything as well. I tend to take a photo of it so it’s on my phone/ipad as soon as i’ve finished jotting it down.

I tried the ipad and pencil combo, it was ok but for me its just not the same.
Following on from a recent thread, I was thinking how often do you actually write using a pen or pencil? Given that we all have phones, laptops or tablets and communicate electronically it is probably declining.

I for one use a pen or pencil to write notes at least 5 times a week. I work in IT but still find pen and paper the quickest way to take notes.

How about you?

Every day. I can't take notes on a computer. I know it's double handling but there's just no effective way for me to take notes without writing them. But I grew up without computers and went to uni without laptops really being a thing. So it's engrained into me.
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Quite a lot actually.

I don't really "remember" typed notes. I've tried to use one note but in the end I always drop back to paper.

I often can't even and don't even read the notes back. But for some reason, the pattern of writing goes in my brain better.

There is a fair amount of consensus that hand writing aids memory retention.

Typing does not show the same benefits- again, this is subject to to broad consensus.
Quite regularly but only short form stuff, notes, post-its, sketching revolutionary new PC layouts, reorganising my room for the 100th time, etc.

Haven't written anything long form by hand for about 20 years I think.
Used 1 time so far for this year to sign my name saying I accepted some work related document. I still carry a few pens in my go bag but when I tried to sign in the above mentioned situation I found the pens were all dried out :)
Everyday, pencil not as much, can never find a sharpener :D. I don't think pen/pencil and paper will be replaced any time soon.
Had a spate of incidents over the Easter weekend where various people needed pens or pencils. I've been stocking up on waterproof notepads too, so pencils have seen more use lately... and IKEA might now be experiencing a shortage! :D
I'm even considering a RITR waterproof pen now, as the Space Pen does 'work' under all conditions, but it doesn't do it very well and still washes off in heavy weather.
After trying various note apps I still find pen and paper the easiest way to make notes for work.
Outside of work, rarely need to write besides cards
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