How to avoid getting food in your beard!

It is nasty... Hmmm, time for a test, about to have soup and bread at work. Let's see how it goes (lol, love my stupid threads like this :D)

How about one of these?


...problem solved :)
Why not carry a portable vacuum cleaner around and give it a quick whirl after meals?*


*Warning, personal injury may result. Proceed at own risk.
What, does your 'tache hang down over your mouth like some apalling Zoidberg-esque oral appendage?! Have some pride in your facial hair and just trim it so that it doesn't interfere with your mouth.

As a proud beardy myself I loathe poorly kept beards. Show some respect to the face-fur you slovenly oaf.
Use a blender for your food add a little water, to make it slushy, then get a glass and a straw and your sorted

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