How to avoid getting food in your beard!

Oh, growing it because I intend to trade in my Ducati 748 to get a low rider next year so want a beard to go with the open helmet :D


How slow does it grow?


Trim, then shave!


Get a small carrier bag, hook the handles over your ears et voila! You will now be the proud owner a handy beard cover and you can dribble and eat messily to your hearts content.


This is so unusual people would instantly be amazed at the new Beard Bag (TM), you could help finance it by selling out advertising space.

E.g. Beard Bag (TM) with Dominos on the front.
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Learn to eat with your mouth instead of your chin? :p

I have a beard (full on beard, not scraggly crap cos my dad yada yada manly blah) but I somehow manage to put the food in my mouth... weird!

But I guess your beard is just more manly than mine. ;)
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