Worth checking ill pop down and take a look tomorrow. Although a specialist shop would be cheaper if you have one near buy or would it?
2) Add hot water until the m,ixture is a gallon in volume. Mix the contents together.
3) Make the mixture upto 5 gallons in total ( I recommend only producing 35 pints as it will yield a stronger richer beer)
I aspire to being a brewer someday.
Hey, thanks for taking the time to post, but could you go over these points?
when you say hot water, Is this boiled in a kettle? how much hot water? etc
also point 3:
do you make up the mixture with hot water or cold?
is it normal tap water, or mineral water?
1) Open your kit, use a tin opener and pour the contents into a sterilized bucket. Add the suger if required.
2) Add hot water (from a keetle) until the mixture is a gallon in volume. Mix the contents together.
3) Make the mixture upto 5 gallons in total using cold water, tap water is fine ( I recommend only producing 35 pints as it will yield a stronger richer beer)
You really need a thermometer and a heater.
Also you need to sterilize everything and anything the beer may touch. Spoons, syphon pipe, keg, bottles, themometer, hydrommeter
Are we talking a heater in the beer, or an external heater to raise the ambient temp and in turn the beer?
Some people use an external heater, you can buy them it wraps arround the first stage barrel and helps maintain a temperature. I went next door and asked but its more of a luxuray really, they suggested that if you live in a cold place, or during the winter its worth getting one.
It costs £9.99 here
Could I use a glass fishtank heater, a new and sterilised one of course.
I can't see it would hurt if it's sterilised and it's glass, and it has a thermostat.
Or are the external heaters best?
I think I'll need one as I don't have anywhere to put it that would reach anywhere near that temp, I like the cold
I have been meaning to try this since the last thread, but I forgot about it.
I assume a 200w aquarium heater would be ok to use? Its been used in a reef tank before but I could give it a good clean with bleach?
Apparently you can buy expensive ones that sit in the beer so what your suggesting would work. Again you want it so you amintain about 22 degrees
Nice one, cheers
I think I'll be making myself some Ale soon
I like to consider myself a self appointed Ale enthusiast
So I've always been dubious that homebrew could compare, but your thread makes it sound most promising.
I have been meaning to try this since the last thread, but I forgot about it.
I assume a 200w aquarium heater would be ok to use? Its been used in a reef tank before but I could give it a good clean with bleach?