How to brew your own beer

Just a small update to those who want to make cider its the same process jsut a different kit, and those wanting to make a stronger beer i also have the instructions for that
Second batch started, got to percentage to 6% dont want to go ajny higher, bought a £19 kit that was 5.5% anyway so + 0.5% isnt a lot but is nice,

Ill let you know in 7 days how this batch looks
Guys, I have been brewing for about 6 months and I suggest you visit and have a good look around the threads there. I knew nothing 6 months ago and have learned everything I know from there. Got a kit on the go at the moment, a Brupaks one and it is looking and smelling lovely. Will be ready just in time for the May bank holiday!

Regarding the lid of the fermenting bucket, sealing it all the way round and unsnapping it at a small point is definitely recommended and in no way will affect the final product. The best tips I can give to anybody starting out are never to underestimate the sanitization process, make sure you aerate the wort for a good 5 mins before pitching the yeast, and fit a tap to your fermenting buckets and use tubing to transfer to the barrel/bottles - saves so much hassle!

Guys, I have been brewing for about 6 months and I suggest you visit and have a good look around the threads there. I knew nothing 6 months ago and have learned everything I know from there. Got a kit on the go at the moment, a Brupaks one and it is looking and smelling lovely. Will be ready just in time for the May bank holiday!

Regarding the lid of the fermenting bucket, sealing it all the way round and unsnapping it at a small point is definitely recommended and in no way will affect the final product. The best tips I can give to anybody starting out are never to underestimate the sanitization process, make sure you aerate the wort for a good 5 mins before pitching the yeast, and fit a tap to your fermenting buckets and use tubing to transfer to the barrel/bottles - saves so much hassle!


cheers for that :)
I mite start a forum for homebrew, i would have it now but i cant put it on the end of my website as its classed as a competitor so bear with me :)
Cant afford it at the mo, maybe after july at the earliest. Btw where would someone buy hops and stuff from i mean the local tesco or asda i doubt does em lol and i dont want to look for speciality shops and dont know if i wana do it online as id wana check the stuff before i bought it.
We got a 40-pint Woodeforde's Great Eastern kit underway this weekend, which is sitting in the airing cupboard nicely fermenting away as I'm typing. This is our second attempt - we did a Woodeforde's Wherry kit last year which was awesome and probably a good 2% stronger than its pub-bought namesake.

A couple of months from now will also see the arrival of a batch of sloe gin, which is something my mother-in-law got me started on.

I'd recommend anybody to give it a go - it's great coming home from work and cracking open a bottle that you know only cost you a fraction of it's pub or shop-bought equivalent, and is usually stronger :D
Just bought the kit to make it with... now need to find the right stuff (ingredients) to use!
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I can recommend hopshop - I used them before over the net and was well impressed !

I make my own wine and have done the odd lager too.
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