How to kill this?



Got bit by a false widow a few months ago. I was unscrewing the legs on a fitted kitchen dishwasher (blindly fumbling underneath it) and felt 'something' on my finger. Nothing like a bee sting or anything really painful at all.
A day later I had what could only be described as a small blister with reddening around it on my little finger which after a couple of days popped. Lost a few layers of skin and it itched like crazy but not really painful. Perhaps it felt a little bruised but nothing more, the itch was the worst thing about it.

Went to docs and he diagnosed false widow bite. Up until then I never thought uk spiders had mandibles big enough to break the skin.
After researching the subject it appears there are 12 spiders in the uk capable of giving you a nip, not including those not indiginous to the UK!
I simply cannot understand how people can be scared of spiders when they aren't scared of wasps...

Wasps can cause you injury (or death if allergic :eek:), they can fly at speed, they're naturally aggressive, etc... :(

Spiders (in the UK) are nearly all harmless, usually fairly small, they cant fly, they are usually scared of you, etc... :confused:

Moving to Australia soon, Hopefully there will be NO extra close encounters of the 8 legged kind .....

Wanna bet? ;)

This lives there

So does this

& this

What is it here when everytime when someone starts a spider thread you get the usual replys of kill with fire/nuke from orbit etc. Then the big spider pics start to appear & the spiders get bigger, all the way up to that camel spider found by some soldiers in the desert somewhere. :rolleyes:

I've got one word for spiders - IGNORE. unless they are in your bedroom. remove or kill in case they crawl into your mouth & lay eggs while you sleep. :p

Thankfully (in the case of the first two) we are going west coast :)

I have gotten a lot better with Spiders over the last few years, had some monster ones in the house last year as well!

Though the policy still is : If it gets my attention and startles me, it meets a shoe.
Spiders are surprisingly resistant to fire... water works better. When the web gets wet, it sticks to the spider, trapping it.

Death, with a side-order of irony.

(Also, the spider in the OP is the same as the type in my house - they have ~1/8" fangs, and the bites sting like ****).
Why? Is your poisonous or just gives a nasty bite?

One of mine is slightly more venomous than the others, but id rather not get bitten by any of them :p

The hairs they kick off their backs can irritate just as much as a bite anyways, i generally dont get close enough to let them do that either
The only safe bet is to brick up all the windows and doors leading into the room and leave it that way for 10 years. If after that the spiders are still alive then burn the house down and live somewhere else.
I just found this sitting on a window ledge looking dead:


Lifted on some tissue, stuck it outside and five minutes later it flew away.
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