How to kill this?

I don't think that they should be killed, but I'm freakin' terrified of them. Not because they may kill me, they're just creepy and stuff.

Would be great if they could talk and understand English. You could threaten to smack the crap out of them so they'll gtfo of your house.
False widows can bite, obviously its venom isnt deadly, but if you are allergic then it could be bad...but thats the same for anything a bee sting can be fatal if you are allergic to it

Woodlouse spiders can give a nip as well :)

Apart from those 2, spider wise, i think we are ok, but then again it only takes someone to keep spiders and one escape then you coul dhave a very nasty spider wandering around :p Id be terrified if i found one of mine had gone walkies ><

Why? Is your poisonous or just gives a nasty bite?
Imaging seeing that as you look up from your bed in the morning!


They look like Harvestmen, They seem to hang about in groups.. Never seen Daddy long legs in a gang like that
Spiders should not be big enough to have retina reflection!!

I have to put spiders outside if I see them in the house unless they're less than a cm across :p
I put 6 out one evening the other week including a big old 3 incher.
Mehhhhh, i'm going to bed, apparenly you eat 5 spiders a year in your sleep or something, not sure if it's true but sometimes I skip breakfast as don't feel full, so who knows.

I also heard that at any given moment there is 5 spiders around you in a 5 meter radius. Yet again i'm not sure if this is true but my spiders are small and fridged. Have fun with yours and bon appetit ;)

That's actually part of an article released by a journalist years ago. She spread urban rumours to see which ones people where stupid enough to believe. The spider rumour was one of them.

you need help

I know, I'm sorry.
Moving to Australia soon, Hopefully there will be NO extra close encounters of the 8 legged kind .....
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I don't mind spiders, but going through these threads can sometimes make my skin crawl and my mind play tricks. Just a moment ago, I stuck my hand inside a giant bag of crisps and this image of me stuffing a giant spider in which was hidden in the bag made me feel all wobbly (and check the bag :D).

I don't even want to think about the time I was reading the tarantula thread on here at 2am when one of the cats attacked my foot under the desk. I have never come so close to losing control of my bowels in all my life. I still give that cat an earful every now and then and it happened years ago :D
So, why are so many people so scared of spiders? Serious question. It seems like the vast majority of people don't like them and it's by the far (I assume) the most common animal phobia.

I absolutely cannot stand them. I try and be logical about it, but it's no good....they just scare me to my core. Wasps? Fine. Snakes? Fine. Spiders's like they're aliens and my brain cannot comprehend them....or maybe something primeval that makes me want to run and hide.

I mean, they're just a bug....and no other bugs bother me. What is it about spiders? They're just.....wrong.

I want answers, dammit! :mad:

ETA: can't believe so many people have never seen Clock Spider before!
I simply cannot understand how people can be scared of spiders when they aren't scared of wasps...

Wasps can cause you injury (or death if allergic :eek:), they can fly at speed, they're naturally aggressive, etc... :(

Spiders (in the UK) are nearly all harmless, usually fairly small, they cant fly, they are usually scared of you, etc... :confused:
I used to have a giant asian praying mantis who would make a quick snack out of any unwanted insects/arachnids unfortunate enough to enter my room. As much as i love insects i am not a fan of spiders.
I simply cannot understand how people can be scared of spiders when they aren't scared of wasps...

Wasps can cause you injury (or death if allergic :eek:), they can fly at speed, they're naturally aggressive, etc... :(

Spiders (in the UK) are nearly all harmless, usually fairly small, they cant fly, they are usually scared of you, etc... :confused:

Irrational fear isn't it..
I think its the way spiders move more than anything, then their appearence adds to this.

My woman is scared of snails for gods sake, they're never going to get you if they wanted to !

Why the **** do I feel the need to keep coming into this thread before bed and then researching every single spider I can?! **** EVERYONE WHO POSTED LARGE PICTURES. Thank god these aren't in 3D!
I'm taking advantage of the 5 meter range on my k/b and mouse
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