How to make the perfect tea

Spoon loose leaves into infuser or pot.
Add boiling water (or near boiling dependent on variety)
Allow 3-5 minutes to brew.
REMOVE infuser or pour into vessel.
Add a small measure of milk/lemon juice if required.

That is the proper way to make tea, there is none other.
Sugar and excess milk spoils tea irrevocably.
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Boil water, add to teapot with small handful of tea, place teapot on flame for a few more minutes before adding about 1/4 of a pot of sugar. Wait a few more minutes before pouring into small glasses from a great height.

All other tea is disgusting!
If you are making hot chocolate the easiest way is to add a little milk to the powder and mix into a paste. Heat the milk / water separately then add to the paste and stir to mix. If it still hasn't quite dissolved stick in in the microwave for a bit and it tends to make those dry pockets go soft and gooey and allows them to mix in.
The perfect cup of tea consists of throwing the contents of the cup away immediately and swapping the cup for a mug, fill the mug with coffee. Perfect.

Put bag in mug
pour boiling water in
leave to brew for a minute
add milk
remove tea bag

"What most people don’t know is that, over 11 years ago, scientists settled this debate. Supposedly.

To test the recipe for the perfect cup of tea put forward in 1946 by George Orwell himself, Dr Stapley of Loughborough University established that putting the milk in after the boiling water is incorrect, as it causes the milk to heat unevenly (as opposed to pouring the water on top of it). This uneven heating of the milk causes the proteins in it to denature, meaning they lose their structure and “clump”, affecting the taste and contributing to that skin you get on the top. So when someone says they can tell if you put the milk in first or second in the tea you’ve made for them just by tasting it, turns out they probably can."
Twinning every day T bag into mug.
Add not quite boiling water (boiling will ruin the taste)
Let stand for a minute or two.
Remove t bag
Add a dash of sugar.
Add milk.
It's been scientifically proven that putting the milk in first makes a better cup of tea, why?

because if you add the milk last it gets scalded when it hits the hot brew & scalded milk doesn't taste nice.

Also the flavour is altered according to how you add the tea (loose tea) In Asia they boil the water & then tip the tealeaves in whereas here we pour hot water onto the leaves already in the pot
I've proven that tea tastes better with no milk at all :p

I have 50+ varieties/blends of loose leaf, I'm a bit crazy for tea :D

Also, in India they use hot milk.
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Tea Bag + Water. Make it **** strong. Remove tea bag and add milk to colour/strength of preference.

There's no "proper" way to make tea. It's all still tea at the end of it, make it how you like it.
All those journalists must be sitting rubbing their hands with joy and laughter watching people get all rilled up. The media sure know how to push peoples buttons.
Show me a dead child in africa and I will say "that's a damn shame", mess with my Tea and I'll go to war!
What's the best standard teabag? Been using PG Tips for years, but I now have to use 2 per cup cos it's so weak... Don't like any of this fancy crappy tea, just the normal stuff.

As for the method

1) Put tea bag in mug
2) Pour on boiling water
3) Leave for a few mins
4) Mash bag around with a spoon
5) Add milk to desired strength, not a lot usually
6) Remove tea bag
7) Enjoy

Sugar in tea is absolutely disgusting. Can't stand even the smallest amount!
I don't drink much tea of coffee, but once in awhile, two bags, 5 minutes, cream and one sugar.
Grind beans,
put ground beans in coffee maker,
fill coffee maker with water,
switch on coffee maker.
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Genius haggisman pure genius :p
Best tea is surely beans on toast with bacon and scrambled egg?
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