You can get TRVs that do dynamic balancing. They each have a built in DPCV. Have a look at this. On these Pt40s, you set the design flow rate and it will automatically balance the radiator for you. They virtually eliminate the need for commissioning. As you say, they should be paired with a pump at constant pressure but variable volume. You're unlikely to have these specific valves unless you have a heat network.
I haven't watched his video, but these aren't your typical self balancing TRVs. I also have mixed feelings about him; it's hard to trump 50 years of Danish district heating technology.
Thanks for mentioning the dynamic balancing valves, I've looked in to them since you mentioned them, not being a plumber I hadn't heard of them before. Do you know if Danfoss to a chrome TRV head for the RAS-B2? It's purely an aesthetic thing so I wouldn't be throwing away perfectly good supplied white TRV heads.