How to protect your home and your self from hostiles. Offiicial thread!!!

You reckon? You've made an enemy of me due to the following unforgivable mistakes. Make no mistake about this however - you do need protection from me. It's just a matter of time, you're on my naughty list.

My bad, very poor display of use of the English language . I would blame speed typing combined with the inevitable mistakes that follow coupled with blindly using the spell correction feature; Alas i know these will be futile excuses in quenching your thirst for blood so i will purchase a glock some grenades and night-vision goggles, sleep with one eye open and await the carnage that will ensue! :(:D

please refer to sig as a sign of my repentance:p
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Arek thread reeks of arek but ill play for kicks.

Seriously my front door has a yale three lever lock and a tumbler lock. i never use the three lever while im in or out.

Back door has two dead bolts and a three lever lock, i also have a pool cue butt in the bedroom inside my wardrobe in the very very unlikely instants someone was simple enough to burgle my property at night while me and the missus are asleep.

Oh and there's the house alarm i never use, call me insane but i feel very safe and settled, if i didn't id have serious questions about my life choices and the sort of person i had become to put my self in a position to be on peoples 'Hit list'.

Oh arek whats the running total on the 10 million £ and or $ :p is that for your master defense plans.

Looks like you have pretty good security. Its running under target so your and anyone else is very welcome to make a donation!
I was going to send you £10 million and/or $10 million but paypal wouldn't let me put than many zeroes in the box sorry.
Police approved security locks front and back and all windows. .357 Magnum revolver and underlever rifle. 12 gauge semi automatic shotgun with choice of birdshot, buckshot or solid slug. .22 semi automatic rifle with 30 round mags, short barrel and red dot.

Of course, all the weapons are in the hidden cabinet so if anyone were to break in I'd have to ask them to turn their backs while I find the weapons, then go to the ammo safe, load and make ready.

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