How to protect your home and your self from hostiles. Offiicial thread!!!

I'll quite happily sit back and laugh when the rpg hits your front door and blows the surrounding walls to bits. Or your super duper re-inforced roof. There are maybe only a handful of people in the world that need this level of security. The rest are paranoid.

So there i was. 22 minutes past eleven on a cold but refreshing Sunday night staring across the open fields. I knew what had to be done, but did i have it in me? I reached into my back pocket, checking the item was still there. It was. Grabbing my George by Asda showerproof jacket i stepped off the porch and begun the short walk to the target.

The cows stirred as i walked briskly past, avoiding the crusty and dried up pats from the earlier hours of the day. The calls of an owl in the nearby woods were the only sound piercing the still and silent night, the three sevenths moon providing just enough light for me to see the way.....

- strategically placed equalizers.


That'll do the trick

Edit: Damn you Castiel, you beat me
Only have one house but:

  • All walls and external surfaces are made out of Adamantium
  • Gattling guns mounted behind every door and window, my children (one 18 months and one 4 years) are fully trained to use these if I happened to be out of the house, wife and dog also trained.
  • Trip wire's hooked up to claymores covering every door in the house, the dog is trained to step over them so he doesn't set them off
  • I acquired a few old WW2 V2 rockets and constructed an underground silo in my back garden. My entire lawn slides open and fire if the house in under threat
  • Surface to air missiles set up in my shed, which also has a retractable roof, just in case.
  • Shuriken stars and nun-chucks and a Katana under ever pillow on every bed, just in case an intruder makes it past the previously listed defenses
  • Have hired 18 highly trained marksmen to cover my house from all angles in discreet locations, as soon as someone who looks shifty sets foot on my land their ordered to shoot to kill
  • 4 evil Jack Russell's trained to go for the genitalia of any intruders
  • Direct link to America's Nuclear Defence system and The White House on quick dial on all phones in the house
  • A moat of Hydrofluoric acid surrounding the property, filled to the brim with Collosal Squid and Killer Whales, all trained to kill and ingested any intruders which fall in.
  • Strategically placed equalizers, of course....

How small does your penis feel now.....
Out of that list you picked AK47, lol!

to be fair to the other poster - the AK47 is the more worrying. If someone wants to go to the expense of fitting bullet proof windows then that doesn't really affect others (despite the likelihood that anyone who could afford bullet proof windows and two homes isn't likely to be living in a poor/high crime rate area).

AK47 on the other hand is potentially dangerous to neighbours etc.. too - IMO if the OP absolutely *has* to have a firearm for home defence he would be better off just getting a shot gun.
First lol at op.
Secondly an AK47 in a residential area, are you insane. you Fire that and you'll be putting rounds into your neighbours houses, surely common sense needs to be applied to yanks and home security.
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