How to resolve this? (I think my heads broke)

SoSolid said:
It sounds like you are acting like a spoilt brat and need to grow up.

It always amazes me when such stupid nonsence is posted, how in the hell is this going to help anything??

Its just plain insulting and quite frankly, not needed. In future, please be quite!
SoSolid said:
It sounds like you are acting like a spoilt brat and need to grow up.
No, you need to grow up.

Tbh, friends like that don't deserve to have friends, how very selfish!

Keep bugging your GP until you see some results, hope it works out.
cyKey said:
... Well he was some friend...
Yeah, very nice of him. [/sarcasm]
Look on the bright side cyKey - you haven't lost a friend, you've got rid of somone who was pretending to be one.
cyKey, listen to Freetrog, he's making sense.

Your "friend" sounds like a complete <insert insult of choice>-wit.

Try this for a relaxation technique, something I learned at Tai Chi, years ago. Stand, feet a shoulder width apart, arms by your side, close your eyes, breath in and relax all your muscles. Then tense everything you can up, eyes/lips/shoulders/clench fists/legs and arms. Even clench your bum! Hold it for a count of 5 and then slowly breath out and relax everything. It's a meditative way of counting to 10! It's good to do before or after stressful events.

Obviously don't do it when anyone can see!
lol :) I'll give that a go. You're right, I haven't lost a friend. Funny thing was that I emailed the other guy who was with us that night and he was like "Oh yer I know how you feel, don't worry about it. Still got that DVD to watch."
cyKey said:
lol :) I'll give that a go. You're right, I haven't lost a friend. Funny thing was that I emailed the other guy who was with us that night and he was like "Oh yer I know how you feel, don't worry about it. Still got that DVD to watch."
Now *that's* a friend! ;)
cyKey said:
lol :) I'll give that a go. You're right, I haven't lost a friend. Funny thing was that I emailed the other guy who was with us that night and he was like "Oh yer I know how you feel, don't worry about it. Still got that DVD to watch."

Good stuff. Dont let it slide, make the arrangements now. :)
cyKey said:
My Dad's the same. He often talks to me while fiddling with his pocket change. How am I supposed to concentrate with that distraction?

What exactly are you conentrating on? Almost everybody has habbits, playing with there hair, scratching their nose etc. I'm sure if you asked people they would say you had annoying behaviour as well. Are they just supposed to sit/stand there motionless so not to break your "concentration" again what are you having to concentrate on if somebody is just talking to you :confused:

From the sound of its your health has been a big issue in the past and you seem to want to project that when you go out, to me it sounds like your out for peoples sympathy. If you suffer from low blood sugar levels carry sweets or glucose with you don't make it a problem to those with you. I have a friend he is a diabetic and he always wanted to "control" our nights out by saying we had to do "this and that" because otherwise he would black out. In the end we told him straight that if he came out with us that we would just have our "normal" night out and he was welcome to come with us but he had to manange his wellbeing it wasn't down to all of us.

You sound like your hanging on too tight matey and I would recommend professional help.

What exactly are you conentrating on? Almost everybody has habbits, playing with there hair, scratching their nose etc. I'm sure if you asked people they would say you had annoying behaviour as well. Are they just supposed to sit/stand there motionless so not to break your "concentration" again what are you having to concentrate on if somebody is just talking to you :confused:

The conversation. Its *that* distracting for me to have someone biting their nails, fiddling with there pocket change etc that I just can't focus. Yes I do have annoying behaviour, but I'm not a fidgety person. I don't bite my nails, make clicking sounds with my mouth, making odd sounds with my tounge, bounce my legs, fiddle with my watch, pick my nails, fiddle with change, shake pocket for no apparent reason making yet more money changling sounds after closing doors, and so on. When you notice things like that every day I find I'm always on edge waiting for something to happen.

I don't have problems talking to other mates. They don't fidget. But my Dad and this guy are identical. When I was working with a fidgety person, came home to a fidgety parent and then went out with a fidgety mate, it was far too much.

From the sound of its your health has been a big issue in the past and you seem to want to project that when you go out, to me it sounds like your out for peoples sympathy.

No not really. I never really talk about my health. I'm generally able to ignore things and not complain about headaches and things. I never take sick days. However, when I'm shaking, sweating, feeling like hell, about to blackout and get treated like its a joke by a friend of 15 years I do feel rather upset. Especially since I was in hospital having my gall bladder removed only 4 weeks before and that had been my first real day out in about 2 months.

If you suffer from low blood sugar levels carry sweets or glucose with you don't make it a problem to those with you. I have a friend he is a diabetic and he always wanted to "control" our nights out by saying we had to do "this and that" because otherwise he would black out. In the end we told him straight that if he came out with us that we would just have our "normal" night out and he was welcome to come with us but he had to manange his wellbeing it wasn't down to all of us.

It is so random. I have no idea when it may occur and I thought I was 5 minutes away from food. I mentioned to my mates that I was feeling like I had low blood sugar so we should get something to eat. 30 minutes later I was feeling terrible and we were looking for somewhere suitable for my "friend". He wanted to goto the pasta place because he loves pasta. He always goes on about pasta. I don't eat Italian food. What was I supposed to eat there? I was told I was being silly. Was I supposed to just place nice and magically like pasta? This was the 2nd time he's tried to get us to go to a pasta resturant. I told him the first time I can't eat anything there but he assured me they do steak. Of course they don't do steak! We looked at the menu and there was no steak. Would it have been *that* hard to say "Ok we'll nip to Boots and get you a sugary drink then head out to a bar?"

You sound like your hanging on too tight matey and I would recommend professional help.


I tried it. Their best idea was to get a place of my own so I can have some place where I'm at peace, but I'm trying to establish myself as a photographer and I barely have any money. :(
cyKey said:
I tried it. Their best idea was to get a place of my own so I can have some place where I'm at peace, but I'm trying to establish myself as a photographer and I barely have any money. :(

Whose advice was this? The GP's or did they refer you? If it was the GP then go back and tell them you want a referal. Ask to see another GP in the practise if needs be. Dont be fobbed're talking about you're overall health and mental wellbeing, dont let one bad piece of advice close the door on the best chance you have of getting yourself sorted.
Pebbles said:
Whose advice was this? The GP's or did they refer you? If it was the GP then go back and tell them you want a referal. Ask to see another GP in the practise if needs be. Dont be fobbed're talking about you're overall health and mental wellbeing, dont let one bad piece of advice close the door on the best chance you have of getting yourself sorted.
It was a professional psycologists that I had been seeing about social anxiety issues. I also discussed my irritations with them and that was their best piece of advice. They suggested that I have a ticking clock on my desk at work and that I should concentrate on that to distract myself from other issues.
cyKey said:
They suggested that I have a ticking clock on my desk at work and that I should concentrate on that to distract myself from other issues.
OMGz I used to do that. It's a great mental workout. If I really concentrate I can block the tick out of my mind. Very Zen after a while.
cyKey said:
I tried it. Their best idea was to get a place of my own so I can have some place where I'm at peace, but I'm trying to establish myself as a photographer and I barely have any money.
Was that advice obtained to deal with the stress (a symptom) or the OCD (the cause)? I get the impression that you have received advice for the former, not the latter. In fact, getting a place of your own could result in you shutting yourself off more (it certainly did that for me, and I can thank this forum and numerous OcUK meets for helping put me back in the right direction).

If you have OCD, then the professional help people are suggesting you need is to deal with the OCD itself. I'd recommend you go back to your doctor and ask to speak specifically with someone experienced with treating OCD.

I do of course recognise that discussing personal problems in a very public media like this can be difficullt, and I doubt anyone who has posted here is an OCD expert. I'd bet most people - me included - know about OCD from Paul McKenna's TV show.
I'll try and get an appointment on Tuesday. I'm out all day Monday at a conference. If I were to move out I would do flatsharing. I couldn't afford a place of my own and I wouldn't want to be on my own for the reasons you've stated. It would be good to live with other people. I think ;)
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