how well could ocuk forumites run this country?

Is this something that can get up and running on the forums ? Maybe show them politicians that people can form a government (albeit in a virtual world) with real policy without the need for hidden agendas. Effecitvely this is starting from day 0 so there is no baggage of "we will do better than them because they did this bad" as there simply is no history of this on OcUK.

Some departments/office I can think of that would need representing would be

  • PM & Deputy PM
  • Home Office
  • Foreign Office
  • Dept of Health
  • Dept of Education
  • Dept of Culture
  • Dept of Sports
  • Treasurer

Maybe if it did go ahead there could be some custom ranks for a week or so.

Of course all of this would have to be with the blessings of the Dons & Spie
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I think that having all of these titles would over complicate things, as political views change from one forum member to the next quite wildly.

I think it would be better to have just Prime Minister and leave it at that.
This would be funny!

Basing my assumption on the people who would want to run it most I predict:

- Some deportation of none whites but mainly mass murder for ethnic 'cleansing'
- Huge economic break down sending the country back about 7 decades
- Constant bickering and fighting thus bringing the countrys services to a halt
- Riots and looters nationally

After that they will realise they were wrong to want such actions but by then it will be too late!
Cyber-Mav said:
heh, i was thinking the same thing. its kind of hard to get a single person to do everything. there is just too many issues/sectors that need addressing.
would deffo need some kind of specialist team to deal with stuff like:


the list must be massive. :eek:
that's called a government :p
zain said:
This would be funny!

Basing my assumption on the people who would want to run it most I predict:

- Some deportation of none whites but mainly mass murder for ethnic 'cleansing'
- Huge economic break down sending the country back about 7 decades
- Constant bickering and fighting thus bringing the countrys services to a halt
- Riots and looters nationally

After that they will realise they were wrong to want such actions but by then it will be too late!
Also every few years the entire country would get nuked by Spie :p
We would never get any legislation passed if OcUK ran the country.

During deliberation over new legislation the cabinet would break into two factions, the two sides would then proceed to name call and belittle each other, refusing to reach any sort of agreement due to their belief they were 100% correct until finally representatives from the M.O.D have to step in and stop the arguing.

The few pieces of legislation that did get approved by the cabinet would be stopped by the Ministry for Grammar and Correct Punctuation who would repeatedly send all drafts back to be retyped.

Finally, any that were of a good enough written quality to pass, would be recalled by Zefan, Minister of Signatures, due to the signatories writing their signatures too large.

It would then be discovered that the legislation had in-fact already been passed 6 weeks earlier and shouldn't have been brought up again in the first place.
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