arnie > *
I just can't get my head round straight men commenting on how aesthetically pleasing other men's bodies are lol, each to their own I suppose
As has been said, far better drugs available today and more of them.
Can someone explain to me why you would want to look like that? They look ridiculous, completely and utterly No woman I have ever met would consider them attractive and I'm sure living with a body like that is a complain pain, so why do they do it?
I don't understand why people like football... People have hobbies. They do it because they want to better themselves, sculpt themselves and tune their bodies to look a certain way. The pros don't do it for the other sex - they do it to be the best they can be.
They look ridiculous to you, but to the bodybuilding scene they are the epitome of physiques. Personally, I wouldn't want to be that big as it's just not practical to live that way all the time, and I'm more strength focused anyway - however, I can appreciate the art behind it.