How would Arnolds physique fare in todays Olympia...

Arnie's physique is something special most of the guys back then I would rather look like than that of the likes of Cutler, Ronnie.

No denying the dedication and commitment those guys have made but I just don't like that look so much.

I can't stand the HUGE guts as well, you see vids of them with belts on and its like they are pregnant the way that thing hangs over.

I mean look at Coleman in that pic, his gut looks so bloated and odd imo.

Agree with who said about Franco the dude had a great size and shape and was small as well! His chest was quite brilliant.

There was also another guy I cant remember the name off who I really liked the physique off ill try and find out who it was and post a pic when I do :)

wow that didn't take long at all!

Frank Zane

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If you want to see how flexible Kai really is:

Skip to the end if you cba to watch it all (3:30 onwards)
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Lol yeh he does some awesome posing.

I dont like pro bodybuilding and its something I'd never want to do (Arnie and Franco were the main men for me), but man those guys are dedicated. Some of the journals of guys who compete over at UK Muscle for example are crazy. Big respect for the effort that goes into it.
I just can't get my head round straight men commenting on how aesthetically pleasing other men's bodies are lol, each to their own I suppose

Maybe you've got a raging homosexual urge wanting to burst out - you should look into it as straight men can easily chat about a professionals physique without a titter or implication of "gayness".

It's ok buddy, lots of people are gay these days. :)
I like looking at Arnold's body. I admire what is imo probably the best physique I have ever laid my eyes on.

Admiring or repsecting another fellows body is different to somebody finding someone else sexually attractive.
I've always followed Sylvester Stallone's training. His body and his achievements are what got me amazed with how the human body can perform and transform. It basically got me into the health and fitness lifestyle, but i don't want a body like he has, too big for my liking but impressive nevertheless.
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As has been said, far better drugs available today and more of them.

I disagree with the word "better" unless you mean in their ability to modify the body's genetic make up, in which case I agree.

I personally think it's a shame that the use has increased so much.

However, I can understand how they become obsessed with improving their bodies - I know I'm addicted to training - not to that level though.,
I've always liked Arnolds phyique, love to get to a decent size like that...probably won't happen due to the amount of man hours required :p But still.

As has already been stated...the bloated tummy look is just ridiculous, I mean really? Looks like they've been jabbing themselves in the stomach :p I just think arnold looks more 'real' wereas the ones today just look all popped out and jacked.
Can someone explain to me why you would want to look like that? They look ridiculous, completely and utterly :confused: No woman I have ever met would consider them attractive and I'm sure living with a body like that is a complain pain, so why do they do it?
Can someone explain to me why you would want to look like that? They look ridiculous, completely and utterly :confused: No woman I have ever met would consider them attractive and I'm sure living with a body like that is a complain pain, so why do they do it?

I don't understand why people like football... People have hobbies. They do it because they want to better themselves, sculpt themselves and tune their bodies to look a certain way. The pros don't do it for the other sex - they do it to be the best they can be.

They look ridiculous to you, but to the bodybuilding scene they are the epitome of physiques. Personally, I wouldn't want to be that big as it's just not practical to live that way all the time, and I'm more strength focused anyway - however, I can appreciate the art behind it.
I don't understand why people like football... People have hobbies. They do it because they want to better themselves, sculpt themselves and tune their bodies to look a certain way. The pros don't do it for the other sex - they do it to be the best they can be.

They look ridiculous to you, but to the bodybuilding scene they are the epitome of physiques. Personally, I wouldn't want to be that big as it's just not practical to live that way all the time, and I'm more strength focused anyway - however, I can appreciate the art behind it.

I mean people like you I can understand, you're big but not retardedly so. Surely a hobby is something you do in your spare time, not every waking hour :p I just dont understand why you would want to live at the gym and injecting yourself with crap, but then I doubt I ever will.
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