How would you vote in a referendum to remove absolutely all legislative power and influence that the monarchy holds and for the removal of the monarch as the head of state?
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Can't tell if serious...
If we were to make a new country today, I certainly wouldn't want a monarchy, but our current system works, and as long as that continues to be the case, I see no reason to change it.
Maintain the monarchy here...
All in all it doesn't affect me that much and it brings people in to London.
I wouldn't want Cameron's' face every time I pull out some money, so that's another reason as well.
Apart from the fact that we have unelected individuals that hold power, what I want is a democracy.
Yes, but our Monarch doesn't impinge on our democratic rights. If they were to do so, then I would be in favour of abolishing it.
If it ain't broke...
Send them back to Germany!
Apart from the fact that we have unelected individuals that hold power, what I want is a democracy.