While I'm sure there are many that don't care for motion controlled games, ill happily take the bet that there are more in the VR sect that do. The problem has always been with the infancy of the tech, not the popularity. The Wii sold bucket loads, people enjoyed the premise, my old man was hooked for a while playing wii sports tennis. Kinect was another massively popular sell, people wanted to take the wii experience to the next level that Kinect promised, although ultimately flawed as a gen one device, then along with it's successor that was poorly targeted at the launch console that killed the momentum of the project.
You only have to look at the most popular VR games today, Beat Saber, Pavlov, Blade and Sorcery, Gorn, Vacation/Job sim there's a generation coming up that lap it up. In 5-10 years time that's where the market will be, it'll be the mainstream regardless of the niche sim genres that exist. Already I think what's the point if I want to play a FPS game like a counterstrike if it's not in VR while ducking around the scenery and pulling a mean face as I fire what my mind is telling me is a real gun. That is no different a desire to sitting in the car, in the air plane, spacecraft or truck that only happens in the magic that is VR.
It's clear to me that the industry hasn't for one moment abated with the push to evolve the motion projects that they've been developing for some time, they know like me that's where the mainstream will be heading.
What's with the comment about the lower back?