***HTC Magic Thread***

Of course not as strange as the perplexing 2 nights running the phone rebooted itself at 0235 both nights. It's one of those things that I want to know why it did it but it's not happened for 3 nights so I've no clue :confused:
Don't you just love it when things happen like that? At midnight the last few days I've heard this beeping sound in my room for a minute or two. Took me a while to work out it was my watch's midnight alarm. It took me a while to work out that a load of lines next to each other were telling me the alarm was active. Took me even longer to work out how to deactivate the alarm. :D

I suppose we have to remember that these are not really phones any more but computers and we get the problems computers toss at us every now and again.
True dat. :p

Stuff like this puts me off rooting.
Hope you don't. :) Since I've rooted the phone feels easier to use. I like how I can now rotate the phone through 90 degrees and the home screen rotates. It didn't do that before I rooted. Was one of my" :confused: Android doesn't let you do that?" moments.
I wouldnt let any wee issues put you off rooting, they are usually fairly minor :)

Since i have got my phone, i have put on new version after new version... sometimes missing the .1.1.1 versions tho lol (or id be updating every 2nd day!)

I have actually just came across my 1st issue also... using 4.2.5! Sometimes when i go to text it doesnt show me what i have written! But if i do it well (no mistakes) then send it, it has accepted what i wrote and sent it!

Saying that it has only done this 3 times, and a reboot sorts it :)

Nav is working fine!

Will be better once it is updated with POI support etc but for now it's win especially with satellite view.
You can enable layers too like petrol stations, car parks, bank/atms etc - not too shabby.

It just needs more POI locations and also waypoints for adding on-route destinations or stop points and it will be the best nav ever (and for free).

Would be nice for Google to give users the option to download the UK map for example.

Using the data connection when you're driving around towns and cities won't be an issue as 3G coverage is generally quite good. could be an issue if you're planning to drive out to anywhere rural.
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