***HTC Magic Thread***

Manage + More your Magic (!) via DroidExplorer is available (update for x64 out shortly) - see here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=558108

Also, out with the old, in with the new (right) :D


The rough edges will be white taped or 'cool decal'd :p
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I have to ask my old college if I can use one of the plastic benders in the DT suite first, here's hoping, heh!

Or I could incorporate the internals inside of something else, an everyday object or something....hmmmm - I think a 'thought shower' is in order.
Btw since Tuesday or sometime I've had a notification saying "loading data, please wait". It won't go away, even if I turn the phone off. How can I get rid of it? I think I caused it by turning 3G access off and then doing something that needed Internet access. :D
Managed to fix this. Turns out that it was Weatherbug not having set my location properly. Once I removed Weatherbug the notification above went. But I put it back on minutes later and made sure it had a fix on my location and it all worked. :)

New problem time then. :D

Sometimes I can't call people on my Magic. When I try to it says I'm not registered on a network. I go to the page where you can see all the carriers and sometimes Vodafone UK doesn't appear there. Could that be a problem with reception and me being in the basement room?

My brother tried to ring me when I was at Morrisons' yesterday. I didn't answer so he asked if I didn't hear the phone ring. I checked the phone and I had no notifications that there was a missed call. I tried to call him but I got the not registered on a network error. Any ideas what is going on here?
No idea about that issue ML. The only issue I've discovered with 4.2.5, and others have posted on XDA forums, is I was txting via Handscent earlier when i got a phone call. Once I hung up on the call the phone locked up then rebooted.

Of course not as strange as the perplexing 2 nights running the phone rebooted itself at 0235 both nights. It's one of those things that I want to know why it did it but it's not happened for 3 nights so I've no clue :confused:

I suppose we have to remember that these are not really phones any more but computers and we get the problems computers toss at us every now and again.
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