***HTC Magic Thread***

Thread must not drop!

I've made a shambles of the new cradle by overspraying the sides a bit so I have paint rundown!

Will sort it tonight though with some sand paper and a final coat to finish :p

In the meantime, the spare cradle I will be posting in due course if that is ok!
I've also uninstalled SetCPU now and noticed that the phone seems a bit faster still at stock settings, perhaps Cyan's configs and tweaks use the stock speeds better and forcing it faster causes drop in performance?
Ah I just remembered.

I flashed 4.2.5 on Monday evening. Monday night at 0235 I was awoken by mu phone vibrating, in it's cradle not my pants, on a reboot. When Android loaded a pop up box appeared asking m about allowing something to be su'd but I was too bleary eyed to see it properly and it it closed and the phone was back to normal. Strange I hear you say and I agree.

Well it gets stranger.

Last night, Tuesday night, at exactly 0235 I get awoken by my phone rebooting. Once again I was caught out and bleary eyed and the same box popped up but before I could focus it went.

Tonight I am setting an alarm to wake me up at 0230 and catching the bugger out.
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