As has shown before there are always enthusiasts who will pay the price. Then they realise they cant buy a new GPU to run it ;)
You can try & justify these prices all you want but it was amazing how quickly the prices went up when the £ fell from $1.40 to $1.20 after you know what.....we have seen absolutely ZERO corresponding price reductions now the £ has recovered to its old level....we are being scammed, end of story.

That is not true, have you seen the pricing of CPU's, memory, SSD on OcUK? 8700K was £349-£400 on launch with 1.20 rate due to poor pound and of course supply/demand and it has slowly worked its way down to £329 but this week hitting 1.40 and fresh stock on 8700k oem has let us nudge it under £300.

Whilst I will get one at some point (I do dev on my Vive), I think I might have to wait for a cheaper 2nd batch :)

P.S. This isn't a pop at OCUK's pricing, I had a hunch it would come in at around this, was really hoping I was wrong.
P.P.S. Or how about a trade in off :D (just so it's clear I'm not actually being serious)
Compare the demand for the original Vive to the VivePro and it's pretty clear the Pro is not selling anywhere near the levels it could be at a lower price point. Seems like HTC are willing to charge the premium, sell fewer units so the early adopters can get a premium customer service level. (lol, joke, Digital River Ireland are charlatans, when I do purchase a vive pro, it'll be from a reputable retailer such as OCuk).

I'm sticking with my original Vive for now, which means HTC do not get my money, and have just increased the chance of the next HMD upgrade being with one of their SteamVR competitors.
We have all the games, probably easier to just let us know what you want to play and we'll make sure we have it downloaded!
Do you have that one where you go into bars and start fights?

In all seriousness pricing is what I'd expect it to be, will say it is pricey for what it is but that is HTCs valuation of the product and nothing more.
it's pretty clear the Pro is not selling anywhere near the levels it could be at a lower price point.
That comment is quite the trick, this is both an obvious statement and a baseless leap of assumption in one. :p
Obviously, if something is cheaper it's going to sell more units but you can't comment about the sales of the Pro, nobody can, not even HTC, since we're talking about a product which was only listed for Pre-order a matter of days ago. To assume that sales are poor at this point is an enormous assumption.

As for the earlier comments regarding pricing, it's incredibly frustrating when people who claim to be knowledgeable about cutting edge technology, and I think that many, if not most of our regular forum members fall into this category, ignore the obvious issues at play.

We are riding the economy of scale wave at the moment. It's a new design, new parts, new process. Along with this comes a higher level of manual quality checking, higher level of failure analysis, higher cost of parts, higher cost of production and even higher logistics cost per unit.
Once HTC are confident that the design and processes are free of issues which could cause a costly recall, then production can be ramped up and costs reduced. Until that point, there are two choices, pay the asking price or be patient.

As for those comments about OcUK price gouging, especially those based on dollar rate. You seem to be conveniently forgetting that when the pound crashed after the referendum, OcUK held pricing on everything for as long as we possibly could. Many product lines didn't see any increase for weeks afterwards.
This is because we sell our product based on our cost pricing not based on the daily dollar rate.
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Compare the demand for the original Vive to the VivePro and it's pretty clear the Pro is not selling anywhere near the levels it could be at a lower price point.

You come out with some dingers, but, this is best I have read yet. The Vive Pro is only on Preorder for a few days how can you compare it to the Vive sales? What happened with your Marketing theory? When the Rift was cheaper than the Vive you spent ages trying to convince me that the Vive would sell better because people would see it as the premium option.
I compared the demand for the original Vive with the current situation with the VivePro. I didn't say they were poor, just not as good as the original Vive. The Vive's first wave sold out in ten minutes in on pre-order. It's hardly a "baseless leap of assumption" when OCUK have both said they have very limited stock and are still offering the items for pre-order and since then adding in the addition of the difficulties associated with releasing early versions of new products.

The Vive is still positioning itself as a premium product, I haven't refuted that statement. At this point in time, SteamVR and Vive still looks like the most sophisticated and desirable product. The Vive HAS sold better than it would have if it had joined facebook's race to the bottom with occulus. It was outselling facebookVR until recently. And it initially generated profit on each sale allowing it to leap its tech ahead of Facebook and still retain the premium position. At this point in time the VivePro has a clear lead over facebookVR in terms of specifications relating to resolution and SDE.

My money still stays with SteamVR, but instead of going straight to HTC, the pricing of the VivePro has given many existing customers cause to pause and reconsider. I'm sure many are ready to "wait and be patient". It's not mutually exclusive with discussion and being critical though. People can use the time to think and talk about the situation whilst still enjoying their existing Vive headset....

As for OCUk's involvement, I'm very grateful that when the time comes to upgrade I'll not need to go through the company that handled the original wave of Vive pre-orders two years ago. Digital River Ireland got that so badly wrong it was borderline criminal.
The Vive is still positioning itself as a premium product, I haven't refuted that statement. At this point in time, SteamVR and Vive still looks like the most sophisticated and desirable product. The Vive HAS sold better than it would have if it had joined facebook's race to the bottom with occulus. It was outselling facebookVR until recently. And it initially generated profit on each sale allowing it to leap its tech ahead of Facebook and still retain the premium position. At this point in time the VivePro has a clear lead over facebookVR in terms of specifications relating to resolution and SDE.

You are in cloud cuckoo land. You are quoting an article from 2016 from the CEO of HTC that they are making a profit on each sale, when we know now that they weren't. Leap it's tech ahead? LOL. Yes, I want whatever you are smoking.

Your exact comment was that a higher price product would sell better than a lower price product because it was how we are conditioned with marketing, but, you were really just defending the Vive's high price by trying to say that the Vive was a more premium product than the Rift. And now that the Vive Pro is £800 why aren't you using the same argument? Does that not matter anymore?

And you are really trying to tell me that the Vive wouldn't have sold more if it was £399 instead of £799? Are you for real? And what's this race to the bottom talk about? Oculus said that their objective was to reduce the cost of entry to VR, which they have done.

You hate Facebook I get it, but stop with this absurd nonsense that the Rift isn't as good as the Vive or that the Vive is somehow more premium than the Rift. They are both really good quality headsets.

Oh, yes, I remember now, you said that the Oculus was a dead end device and nobody would buy it.

VivePro, a slight advancement in Tech with a massive price increase. Even die hard fans like yourself are going, what the hell HTC?
I said amongst other things:

"Long-term, SteamVR will win the majority market share. Whether it's with the Vive, LG or a.n. other. Facebook's closed, privacy invading approach in the face of other competition will see it wither, no matter how buoyant it is just now. That's why the Vive (or the LG) is currently the better purchase." (source)

I stand by that.

Price is still used to position the VivePro at the top end of the market, and with a technical specification to back it up. It's just too rich for my blood. Sucks to be me.
That is an eye watering price for the pro on its own and gobsmacking once you add on the bits you need. Very disappointing for what is emerging tech that well... doesn't seem to be the 'rage' anymore and adoption seems to be small. I've got the feeling that this round of VR might die off like the last one and be classed as a fad like 3D was on TV's.
I said amongst other things:

I stand by that.

Price is still used to position the VivePro at the top end of the market, and with a technical specification to back it up. It's just too rich for my blood. Sucks to be me.

You can't see past your hate for Facebook. Most headsets, even the Windows headsets work with Steam VR. And you are forgetting about OpenXR which all the major players have joined in with.

And the Vive Pro is only a small step up in resolution. There is no massive leap in tech. Most of the rest of the improvements with the headset are all things that the Rift has already, integrated headphones and comfort. You don't even get upgraded controllers and It's not even wireless.

£500 would have been a nice price, £799 is just a rip off and you know it.
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