HTC Vive

Quick update that the latest version, 0.4 I believe, now works with LT and I've made no other changes. Now I just want Dreadhalls to work.

Another update I think the "Failed Entitlement" is region related as using a VPN client set to the US it works, Dreadhalls that is!

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Those of you getting your emails, when did you order?

I ordered on the 6th of April and have a May shipment apparently. Getting anxious.

Without checking my emails, I think I ordered the tail end of March (around 22nd/23rd) with a confirmation email saying May delivery.
Got my pre-auth email this morning too - nothing pending on credit card yet.
Quick update that the latest version, 0.4 I believe, now works with LT and I've made no other changes. Now I just want Dreadhalls to work.
So just so I'm clear.
1. Ensure Oculus home is installed, registstered and running.
2. Allow apps to run from Unknown sources.
3. Ensure steam and SteamVR are running.
4. Copy Revive folder and ReviveInjector.exe to the same location as the game executable (E.G. for DreamDeck - D:\Oculus\Software\oculus-dreamdeck\WindowsNoEditor\Dreamdeck\Binaries\Win64)
5. Drag executable (E.G. for DreamDeck - Dreamdeck-Win64-Shipping.exe) onto the ReviveInjector.exe executable.
6. Game then runs.

Tried setting both executables to run as administrator?

The same steps above work fine for me, not configured my system in any other way. Is it all Oculus-only games doing this? Try something free like New Retro Arcade that sits outside of Oculus Home with the Revive Injector.
Dreamdeck worked for me always but I may have set admin rights on the injector.exe to do so. I remember setting admin rights got rid of the "require an Oculus" error but only region fooling got rid of the "failed entitlement".

LT wouldn't work until 0.4 and possibly using a VPN set to the US. That certainly got Dreadhalls working. So far all the free demo stuff I downloaded today has worked OK.
All ports changing hz everything.

Shows there is a camera...bit red crosses everywhere. Maybe a software bug I guess.

Sometimes mine doesn't work either.

I would also suggest disconnecting all other non essential USB devices from your system. You can also remove the Vive USB drivers and try loading them again.
Mine would make the tracking mess up when I had the camera fps set to above 30fps and would frequently just stop working altogether. I swapped it over to a port on my new pci-e USB card (bought to support the Rift) and it now works fine.
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