One week later...
Still have no issues with taste/consistency; breakfast and lunch were rarely ever exciting meals so replacing with a shake that probably helps a more balanced intake.
Had some issues with horrible headaches the first few days, but they could have been work related - no issues recently.
No digestive issues at all.
My wee was sometimes really yellow (neon?) but this is apparently down to riboflavin, and was an entirely different colour of yellow to the one you get when dehydrated.
No noticeable impact on effects of alcohol on me (an important scientific test).
Not keen on the bags only lasting a week, as this means I have to frequently re-order, also the fine dusting of huel that I tend to create when ever I make a shake suggested my technique may need some work - but minor quibbles overall.
Couldn't say that it had massive positive impacts on my health, or gave me more energy, etc - but imagine that my body is still adapting.