Hungarian Grand Prix 2010, Hungaroring Circuit - Race 12/19

I reckon that will be right.

Let them race, then ban it over the summer break, where then can make a rigid wing.

Its McLaren's/Mercedes fault for not protesting earlier (or "clarifying" the situation earlier) but upto this point all points for RBR are as safe as houses, but points from this race are open to question

I am surprised, originally I thought it was because of a loop hole. But after reading the rules, it seems to clearly be illegal.

If FIA allow the "flexi" wing - it makes a mockery of the budget constraints - as undoubtedly this will be disallowed by 2011 - yet the FIA are forcing McLaren and everyone else to develop the flexiwing (and however many millions of $$$ that will cost) for 1/2 dozen races
It would not be mockery for that reason.

DD and F-duct are loop holes so nothing banning them in the rules, hence teams have to spend money to develop them.
However flexi wing seems ot be clearly against the rules and so would be a mockery in terms of FIA not following the rule book.
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I agree that if the wing flexes, it should be banned - but my point was how can you test the car as a whole. It looks pretty obvious that the wings are a lot closer to the ground than regulations allow - but IF they are that close not just as a result of wing flexing, but as a result of a number of other components acting together under loads they're not subjected to under scrutineering tests how do you effectively police that?

By loading components up and adding them together.

For example if the floor gives 20mm under load and teh front wing a further 15mm under load. that would mean the front wing is in effect 35mm closer to the floor.

Ello people, was out yesterday so did I miss anything? Am I doing a rain dance for what is likely to be a snorefest :D

No and yes.

Pretty boring qauli, rbr are in a different league for what I reckon is to be there last where they have a clear lead.
As Hiro is saying that's easier said than done when the components are individually passing the test, even together passing the test but it's racing loads that they are failing.

It's taken months for of smoke and mirrors to even get this far with red bull getting away with it. Adjustable ride height etc.

The only way for the FIA to find this stuff is to run the car in anger and take measurements or as they have done, let the cars run and leave it to the other teams to do the investigation for them ;)

I expect theyy will increase weighsts to that or slightly higher than that generated at top speed. Then it doesn't matter about combined affects as each component will be within regs at racing speed.
Lewis DNF

The wing is obvious legal otherwise it wouldn't have passed scrutineers for the past however many races .

Not at all, the rules say excess flex is not permitted and that the scrutirnering tests can be changed at any time, if anyone is suspected of having to much flex.

Considering those rules it is clearly illegal.
what exactly is the rule, the BBC interview with MW said the front wing end plates had to be 85mm high, is that when static or under load?

That's with load in scruitnerring.

However there are two other rules, I'm on phone but look back about 15 posts, I have quoted them.
It's not the only time this season that FIA has resorted to using the SC for a minor safety concern in order to close up the pack for the TV...

I don't know, ith cars allready being lapped, there are no clear gaps in traffic for them to retrieve it, it wasn't far of the race line.
Vettel's not happy. Can't blame him really. Webber pulled that one from nowhere, and looks like he knows it. Alonso looks well chuffed with second, and so he should.

not really, Vettle messed up AGAIN and broke a rule, then got punished.

Vettle is rubbish, he is fast when in clear air. Other than that he has no chance of beating anyone or making the correct descions. Thoroughly annoying idiot and I hope webber keeps stretching his lead over vettel.
Vettel should've won today, but for some reason was playing games and backing the pack too far behind Webber. It will be interesting to find out why he did that. It makes no sense at all, unless he was trying to gift Webber a win, which I'm struggling to believe was the case.

Just him being rubbish, like normal.
Unless he is in fresh air or in QF he makes mistakes and really is not impressive. Look at the difference between him and lewis, even on a bad weekend he does all he can and regular drags that car higher than it should be, although even he has problems with tactics.

Have we even got an all-round brilliant driver at the moment.
Thats a little harsh, he lets his head / temper / childishness get the better of him, which in turn makes him push too hard and do stupid things, which in turn makes him act like more of a child, which in turn makes him look like an arse and make more mistakes.

which makes him rubbish. he should be so far clear of the championship, but he isn't. We all know in f1, as well as being fast you have to be consistent and score the odd few points even on bad weekends.
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