I am Godzilla. You are Japan.

Stunning car, congratulations Fett.

I saw one of these the other day on the way to work and pictures just don't convey the bulk of the thing - which just makes it performance figures even more impressive.
Seen 2 of these in last 2 days ! Bit common aint they :) Bronze one and another same colour as yours, they really do look fantastic in the flesh especially the bronze one.
Cheers for all the comments, shall try and respond to some points/questions tomorrow. A few more pics...


Could you please re-send, I didn't get it, ta.

lush car

is that pic due to your passenger footwell falling out?
Another EPIC car. I'm starting to feel poor! hehe. Congrats on the car, very very jealous. Sat in one at the Motor Show and LOVED it. Enjoy it!!!

Please come down to the south one day, we can go up Meon and I can take awesome photographic materials of your car ^_^
I was speaking to a dealer about the car yesterday, apparently the are working on 65% residuals in 3 years, dat's pretty cool :)
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