Gotta love all the cynical armchair critics saying she's nothing special. How many on here have done something like striking outside their school for a cause they believe in and not long after find themselves being invited to meet Arnie, the UN secretary general and the Pope.
The who she meets through invitation is immaterial really. Since someone can do the exact same thing elsewhere (say China) and never be invited to anything by any of those you listed. I happen to know (almost directly really, but I'll just say) indirectly the Blairs (yes the former PM), but if I wanted to meet with them, I'm sure I can put some ideological thing together and get them to turn up because of that, because I "know" certain people, and those certain people "know" them, and I "know" what motivates them to turn up. Does it make me any more special than anyone else? No. Definitely NOT.
She's not being pushed and pulled like a media puppet, she's doing this of her own free will.
Like her or not, you can't deny what she's done is extraordinary for a 15 year old
Do you have any relatives like her? Because I do. Her "free will" as you say, is not quite as free as you think. (More below)
She might go there soon, who knows.
No, she won't be going there the same as she went to the UN or any of the other big orginisations (who invited her). There's a difference in going there and then pointing fingers at President Jia in the same room and accusing them of failure to the environment and not saving the future, and just going there and doing a little piece as far away from where you really need to be (in the same room as them and them listening) and then claim a victory of any kind. You, I and everyone else knows this is true. She CAN go there. But not in the fashion she needs to if she wants her crusade to succeed, which is the key factor to "going" to China. So lets not kid ourselves on that front.
She may or may not make any difference, that is true. But you can't deny her tenacity and the fresh awareness she's brought into the world of the need for fixing climate change. Most kids of her age don't want to be bothered with being activists for political and global matters. She's not doing it for money or to be famous. That's evident from watching the documentary.
Here's the thing, I have a family member that's just like her. And I "know" exactly how to manipulate them as I want them to (plant an idea into their head and then get them to obsess over it and repeat it and then bug other people about it non stop), in the exact same fashion as Greta is effectively. It's not tenacity for them really, it's more of a disorder, or exploitation of their thinking process. They wouldn't be doing it for money or to be famous either. So it's NOT unique to her. But those around them could be raking it in.
As for fresh awareness, I don't think it's fresh at all. She hasn't actually offered anything in terms of "fixing" climate change, any more than previous environmentalist protestors have. Just been given more coverage (which again, means little). But again, many recognise that there's a piece missing to this puzzle, and without that piece, any "fixing" of anything will not yield anything close to the results they are even envisioninig. So unless that changes, all she's doing is making noise, which others before her have done, and will continue to do so by others in the future too. But it'll be nothing new.
I'll be happy to throw my support behind whoever happens to have that key player on their side, but as of this time, it is not Greta.