For one, its a documentary, documentaries by their very nature are edited and filmed to present a specific message. Unless the documentary is 24/7 live, unedited.
For two, I quite literally just said "based upon what you have seen of her in the media and read in articles" and you just mention yet another piece of media.
And for three...whether I "think" she is a puppet or not, is utterly irrelevant. I cannot know that she is or isnt because I do not know her in reality, only what is portrayed or allowed to be portrayed in media and that was exactly my point, you stated quite assuredly that "She's not being pushed and pulled like a media puppet, she's doing this of her own free will." , my whole point was that you cannot know that. What impression you form because of a documentary is not fact, its an impression.
Your adjusted sentence that you "do not believe she is", is much more accurate but thats all it is, a belief.
I'll not be watching the documentary though anyway because she is irrelevant to me, I'm just not interested in her enough to bother sitting and watching a documentary about her, as I say, she's just another human not a new messiah.