I don't care for it, or do I?

I had my first 'Walkman' when they first came out in the UK but I couldn't afford a Sony and had a much cheaper Phillips.
My work colleague bought the Sony and kept taking the pee out of me.

I've still got this upstairs which cost £499.

You look back now and you think “what a waste of money tech was”. Especially at that cost.

Not for that item, it was superb.
For many years me and my duo partner used backing track cassette tapes on stage and he was constantly changing tapes on two cassette players, with this we were able to put 80 mins of music on one disc.

We then upgraded to two of these, poor picture but by the time these came out we could buy two for the price of that portable -

Not for that item, it was superb.
For many years me and my duo partner used backing track cassette tapes on stage and he was constantly changing tapes on two cassette players, with this we were able to put 80 mins of music on one disc.

We then upgraded to two of these, poor picture but by the time these came out we could buy two for the price of that portable -


Yeh but it really was a waste of money if you think about it.
I've got my original Sony Walkman TPS-L2 from about 1979 upstairs. I must get around to selling it sometime - it needs new drive belts and am not sure whether it's better to get those done first?

Edit: drive belts ordered!
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No, it absolutely paid for itself over and over again and we earned a fortune with it.
My duo partner only wanted to play once a week because of the cassette hassle, as soon as we got that we were out 4 days a week.
My dad was into guitar and recording when I was a teenager. We had a DAT machine. Tascam DA-30 it was. What a lovely clear sound on the recordings.
My dad was into guitar and recording when I was a teenager. We had a DAT machine. Tascam DA-30 it was. What a lovely clear sound on the recordings.

I had DAT after the Mini Disc but it was still tape that you had to FF and REW so became obsolete for stage use.
However I was watching a Queen Tribute one evening and the Concert Secretary asked me if they were miming.
I told them they were and I took him to the side of the stage where all their set was on a DAT and a backup.
They went down a storm though because people ........................
Illegally earned a fortune? Hope you paid tax.

Yes, taxman has my money every year.
Some **** from a pub told on me in the 90s and taxman went back 10 years, during the process I got very bad psoriasis, still have it and had to cut my long hair off.
After that I always made sure taxman got their due.
What amazed me was they knew all the bands and acts I'd been in.
Yes, taxman has my money every year.
Some **** from a pub told on me in the 90s and taxman went back 10 years, during the process I got very bad psoriasis, still have it and had to cut my long hair off.
After that I always made sure taxman got their due.
What amazed me was they knew all the bands and acts I'd been in.

Research. Top notch stalking. lol
Yes, taxman has my money every year.
Some **** from a pub told on me in the 90s and taxman went back 10 years, during the process I got very bad psoriasis, still have it and had to cut my long hair off.
After that I always made sure taxman got their due.
What amazed me was they knew all the bands and acts I'd been in.
I'm just browsing before starting work and your patience in the last couple of exchanges is really noticeable.

Top posting, Sir. Have a well deserved thumbs up from me. :)
The price of a Sony MZR-50 on eBay :eek:
I still have a Minidisc MZ-N10.
I imported it form Japan when I was in school.
Might have to ebay it!

I have the grey hue which seems uber rare.


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