Spawn said:
Not saying that what the fella said was a nice thing because its not but to get elbowed by some chav who thinks hes the jewish saviour is a bit sad and pathetic.
Firstly, Im not a chav, my friend is not a chav, you dont know him so dont label him.
Spawn said:
Anyways seems like a lot of people still feel sorry for the jews and what happened to them many yrs ago at the hands of Hitler...why in gods name are we still treading on egg shells with the jews when it comes to them??..
it sounds like you are some sort of holocaust denier with a comment like that. I wont be taking posts from you seriously ever again.
Balddog said:
Im pretty sure the OP didnt do this because he felt bad about what hitler did, and id imagine he woulda done the same thing if it was a little arab boy...
Thanks mate, I would have done it for anyone being racially abused.
FincH said:
who are you to tell them what's right and wrong. Yes, making 'racist' remarks isn't nice but they're not going to listen to you are they.
who am I to tell them whats right or wrong?? Someone who knows a racist comment when they hear it, thats who
FincH said:
People are going to act like idiots, but you have to learn to ignore it.
Yes, next time someone calls me a **** or my friends ******* I think I will ignore it, what a good idea, I will let people walk all over me and others while just lying there and taking it! Your a genius, I wish I thought of that!
FincH said:
I wonder if it'd been a group of stacked blokes that'd said it, if you'd have told them what to do and gone and hit one of them.
We are a group of stacked blokes so it doesnt matter
and if they were bigger than us then I may have considered going to the police. It wouldnt have stopped me from speaking to the guards though.
Was speaking to my friend earlier today and he was saying that he should have handled the incident differently. Despite what people think, he isnt looking for fights and isnt a scrapper. Both my friend and myself (as well as other in my circle of friends) are coloured, and growing up where I lived, there were very few coloured people about so we know what it was like to get picked on and bullied at school. He just lost control of his emotions which is why he did what he did.
Violence is definitely not the answer in most cases, which is why I had words with security. I havent really tried to justify what my friend did, as I have repeatedly said he shouldnt have done it. I have no remorse for the kid on the receiving end though.
cleanbluesky said:
That said, I tip my hat to Panthro who managed to defuse the situation with some choice words rather than resorting to violence.
Thank you