I got me 3D printer, awesome!

Admit it, the first thing many of us would print out would be a gigantic penis just for the lulz (leave it hanging through next door's letterbox for bonus points).

I agree, first thing i thought of! ha.

Laser cutter and 3D printer......i dont even run an ink printer :( jealous!
Great machines and even better having one at home.

We have a couple at work that are my babies :D a uPrint which uses ABS like yours and a zprinter 450 which is powder based and prints coloured models at even finer detail.

I saw a printer for around the 1K mark a while back and they reckoned you could use it to print the parts to make a copy of itself !

Just curious Pinter, what is it using for support material as I can only see the one spool of ABS? (I'm guessing it's the green stuff? ) I have to use a brown brittle support material with the uPrint.
I'd love one just for giggles.

3D printing really is going to change things over the next few years. Already there is a car out somewhere that uses 3d printed panels instead of formed ones. How cool would it be to just buy a lego design and then be sent the schematics to print it out yourself!

They only work on plastic at the moment dont they?

A bloke at work saw one at a show that was laying down some form of ally making what looked like a very complex manifold, he never got time to have a closer look though as it wasn't something we were there for.

Saw a Z-Printer in action though, I still have the little demo part they made on my desk......sorry but it is so cool.
A bloke at work saw one at a show that was laying down some form of ally making what looked like a very complex manifold, he never got time to have a closer look though as it wasn't something we were there for.

Ahh excellent I didn't realise they had come that far already.
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